
Difference between map and dict

Difference between map and dict Question: I might be confused between hashmap in Java, and map/dict in Python. I thought that the hash (k/v abstraction) of Java is kind of the same as dict in Python But then what does the map datatype do? Is it the same abstraction as the hashmap abstraction? If so, …

Total answers: 5

What hash algorithm does Python's dictionary mapping use?

What hash algorithm does Python's dictionary mapping use? Question: I was messing around with making a command line parser and was wondering what kind of hash algorithm python dict’s use? The way I have it set up, I have a pattern match algorithm which matches tokenized input sequences with a dictionary key. Some of the …

Total answers: 1

Hash Map in Python

Hash Map in Python Question: I want to implement a HashMap in Python. I want to ask a user for an input. depending on his input I am retrieving some information from the HashMap. If the user enters a key of the HashMap, I would like to retrieve the corresponding value. How do I implement …

Total answers: 11

Scrapy Crawl URLs in Order

Scrapy Crawl URLs in Order Question: So, my problem is relatively simple. I have one spider crawling multiple sites, and I need it to return the data in the order I write it in my code. It’s posted below. from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector from mlbodds.items import MlboddsItem class MLBoddsSpider(BaseSpider): name = …

Total answers: 13

Is there a Java equivalent of Python's defaultdict?

Is there a Java equivalent of Python's defaultdict? Question: In Python, the defaultdict class provides a convenient way to create a mapping from key -> [list of values], in the following example, from collections import defaultdict d = defaultdict(list) d[1].append(2) d[1].append(3) # d is now {1: [2, 3]} Is there an equivalent to this in …

Total answers: 8

Is a Python dictionary an example of a hash table?

Is a Python dictionary an example of a hash table? Question: One of the basic data structures in Python is the dictionary, which allows one to record “keys” for looking up “values” of any type. Is this implemented internally as a hash table? If not, what is it? Asked By: Tommy Herbert || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 4