
Why min Heap of Python is not returning the minimum value here?

Why min Heap of Python is not returning the minimum value here? Question: I printed out every iteration. The contents of the list are perfect. But for some reason heappop is returning -8 val even though there is -15 in the list. Help me out class FoodRatings: def __init__(self, foods: List[str], cuisines: List[str], ratings: List[int]): …

Total answers: 2

Ternary Max Heap Python

Ternary Max Heap Python Question: I am trying to turn a Binary Max Heap into a Ternary Max Heap in Python. My code needs to remain in the same structure as the binary heap below. I need some help figuring out what changes to make. I know the max child method needs to be updated …

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binary heap as tree structure searching algorithm

binary heap as tree structure searching algorithm Question: so i guess you are all fimilliar with a binary heap data structure if not.. Brilliant. org say i.e. a binary tree which obeys the property that the root of any tree is greater than or equal to (or smaller than or equal to) all its children …

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return top K frequent elements

return top K frequent elements Question: The task is to return the K most frequent elements. What I did is to calculate the frequencies and put it in a min-heap (as we know there’s no max-heap in Python), then I need to heappop k times. from collections import defaultdict import heapq class Solution: def topKFrequent(self, …

Total answers: 3

What's the time complexity of functions in heapq library

What's the time complexity of functions in heapq library Question: My question is from the solution in leetcode below, I can’t understand why it is O(k+(n-k)log(k)). Supplement: Maybe the complexity isn’t that, in fact I don’t know the time complexity of heappush() and heappop() # O(k+(n-k)lgk) time, min-heap def findKthLargest(self, nums, k): heap = [] …

Total answers: 5

What's the difference between heapq and PriorityQueue in python?

What's the difference between heapq and PriorityQueue in python? Question: In python there’s a built-in heapq algorithm that gives you push, pop, nlargest, nsmallest… etc that you can apply to lists. However, there’s also the queue.PriorityQueue class that seems to support more or less the same functionality. What’s the difference, and when would you use …

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python, heapq: difference between heappushpop() and heapreplace()

python, heapq: difference between heappushpop() and heapreplace() Question: I couldn’t figure out the difference (other than ordinality of push/pop actions) between functions heapq.heappushpop() and heapq.heapreplace() when i tested out the following code. >>> from heapq import * >>> a=[2,7,4,0,8,12,14,13,10,3,4] >>> heapify(a) >>> heappush(a,9) >>> a [0, 2, 4, 7, 3, 9, 14, 13, 10, 8, …

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What is the time complexity of heapq.nlargest?

What is the time complexity of heapq.nlargest? Question: I was looking at this pycon talk, 34:30 and the speaker says that getting the t largest elements of a list of n elements can be done in O(t + n). How is that possible? My understanding is that creating the heap will be O(n), but what’s …

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What is Python's heapq module?

What is Python's heapq module? Question: I tried “heapq” and arrived at the conclusion that my expectations differ from what I see on the screen. I need somebody to explain how it works and where it can be useful. From the book Python Module of the Week under paragraph 2.2 Sorting it is written If …

Total answers: 4