
Error regarding git push heroku main command, pywin32 error

Error regarding git push heroku main command, pywin32 error Question: When I am trying to push my new project, I have the following errors when I run git push heroku main in my terminal: remote: INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of pypiwin32 to determine which version is compatible with other requirements. This could …

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Running C Program on Heroku: No such file

Running C Program on Heroku: No such file Question: I am trying to open a C program in a python script running on a Heroku dyno. The Python script works fine locally, but on the dyno it says that the executable cannot be found. The line to run the program in Python is: proc = …

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Running multiple python files on heroku

Running multiple python files on heroku Question: I have 3 files: webapp.py => simple flask app that with every GET requests reads stock.txt and shows it content scrapper.py => simple bs4 scrapper that scraps a site every 5 minutes and saves its stock to a file stock.txt stock.txt => stores the stock from scrapper.ppy I …

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Deploy python worker to heroku without running immediatly

Deploy python worker to heroku without running immediatly Question: I have a simply python script that I deploy on Heroku as worker: Procfile: worker: python main.py The script is scheduled to run every day at a specific time with the Heroku Scheduler. I don’t want it to run to other times. Every time I push …

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Can model.h5 file be accessed at the backend using load_model from Keras library?

Can model.h5 file be accessed at the backend using load_model from Keras library? Question: I have saved my model after training and am currently loading it to use it for prediction at the backend. I have uploaded the model.h5 file to heroku via Github using auto-deploy feature with the flask app associated to it accessing …

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Issue in uploading image for prediction using a MultiPart POST Request

Issue in uploading image for prediction using a MultiPart POST Request Question: The call is currently happening via a Flutter application which makes a multi-part POST request. Flutter Code var request = http.MultipartRequest( ‘POST’, Uri.parse(‘https://techfarmtest.herokuapp.com/upload’), ); Map<String, String> headers = {"Content-type": "multipart/form-data"}; request.files.add( http.MultipartFile( widget.selectedImage.toString(), widget.selectedImage.readAsBytes().asStream(), widget.selectedImage.lengthSync(), filename: widget.selectedImage.path.split(‘/’).last, ), ); request.headers.addAll(headers); var res = …

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Heroku cant find python version i specified on runtime.txt

Heroku: "No Python version was specified", but runtime.txt exists Question: I tried to deploy a python app to Heroku and I already have runtime.txt in the root of my directory but I don’t know why Heroku can’t find the "runtime.txt" file I specified and always gives this message: Building on the Heroku-22 stack —–> Determining …

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How to add property to PostgreSQL database that is hosted on Heroku with Flask/Python?

How to add property to PostgreSQL database that is hosted on Heroku with Flask/Python? Question: I have a database for my website that is hosted on Heroku and uses Flask and Python. The model structure looks like: class MyDataModel(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) property1 = db.Column(db.String(240), default = "") property2 = db.Column(db.String(240), default = "") …

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OSError: [Errno 63] File name too long: db.sqlite3 when doing collectstatic on django

OSError: [Errno 63] File name too long: db.sqlite3 when doing collectstatic on django Question: I already have done collectstatic before, and it went well. Now I tried to deploy the app to Heroku, and got the error. It reproduces locally as well. OSError: [Errno 63] File name too long: ‘/Users/admin/Desktop/Programming/Python/UkranianFunds/src/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/app/staticfiles/db.sqlite3’ Here is my project structure: …

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Python Discord Bot on Heroku doesn't work

Python Discord Bot on Heroku doesn't work Question: I deployed Discord on Heroku successfully, but it still doesn’t work. It runs fine locally, but I can’t get response from Heroku hosted variant. Here’s Github repository: https://github.com/MidnightSonor/malifaux_discord_bot. Here’s runtime log. 2022-10-13T12:44:01.000000+00:00 app[api]: Build started by user [email protected] 2022-10-13T12:44:22.188723+00:00 app[api]: Release v18 created by user [email protected] 2022-10-13T12:44:22.188723+00:00 …

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