
Image classification Using CNN

Image classification Using CNN Question: I am working on breast cancer classification. I found this online code to train my pre-processed outputs on it. The results was awful but I didn’t understand the code, I want to train my own model but I don’t how to replace my own code with this one. Any help …

Total answers: 2

How can i convert images into grayscale?

How can i convert images into grayscale? Question: I have 1000 of images. Now I like to convert those images into grayscale? import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.utils import img_to_array #df[‘image_name’] = df[‘image_name’].apply(str) df_image = [] for i in tqdm(range(df.shape[0])): img = image.load_img(‘/content/drive/MyDrive/Predict DF from Image of Chemical Structure/2D image/’+df[‘image_name’][i]+’.png’,target_size=(100,100,3)) img = image.img_to_array(img) img = …

Total answers: 1

ValueError: Image size is zero in Google Colab

ValueError: Image size is zero in Google Colab Question: I’m learning ML model training following this tutorial from Tensorflow. I have uploaded my own dataset from my computer to a folder named "sample_arrow" in Google Colab and specified the path to it: image_path = ‘sample_arrow’ The folder contains images, the size is not 0. But …

Total answers: 2

What type of input does ResNet need?

What type of input does ResNet need? Question: I am new to deep learning, and I am trying to train a ResNet50 model to classify 3 different surgical tools. The problem is that every article I read tells me that I need to use 224 X 224 images to train ResNet, but the images I …

Total answers: 1

return predicted results in jsonify

return predicted results in jsonify Question: I am a student and currently working on my project of image classifications in python(FLASK). i have implemented all the functions and models, and it is working fine as web app. now I want to make an api which results in JSONIFY so I can easily use in mobile …

Total answers: 2