
Change the cell size/width of imshow or similar function

Change the cell size/width of imshow or similar function Question: I need the first and last cells to be half the width. My goal is to get something like this: But I got this: My code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.array([0. , 0.2 , 0.4 , 0.6 , 0.8 …

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Displaying a RGB image in float64

Displaying a RGB image in float64 Question: I have an image with data type uint8. I want to convert it to the data type float64 and display it. I expected to see the image as I displayed it with data type uint8. But the result is this: My original image is like this: Why is …

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Issue with colorbar and imshow with gridspec

Issue with colorbar and imshow with gridspec Question: I wanted to plot 2 imshow on a figure, but I only want the sub figure on the right to have the colorbar at the bottom of its plot. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec cm = 1/2.54 fig = plt.figure() …

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Set range and label for axis

Set range and label for axis Question: I’m ploting data from an array A of size 10*10, each element A[x,y] is calculated by a function f(x,y) where x and y are in the range (-3, 3) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def f(x,y): return … s = 10 a = np.linspace(-3, 3, …

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position overlay precisely in matplotlib

position overlay precisely in matplotlib Question: I am trying to overlay precisely one image patch to a larger patch of the image I have the coordinates where I’d like to put the patch and overlay the image but I don’t know how to do with matplotlib. I know it’s possible with PILLOW (as explained here)but …

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Setting Discrete Colors in Matplotlib Imshow

Setting Discrete Colors in Matplotlib Imshow Question: I have seen numerous resources for establishing unique cmap color codes, such as: i) Merge colormaps in matplotlib ii) Python: Invalid RGBA argument 0.0 color points according to class iii) Defining a discrete colormap for imshow in matplotlib None of these quite answer my question. I have 900 …

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How to restrict plot area in imshow plot?

How to restrict plot area in imshow plot? Question: Given: – 1- Data data (the entire data is to plotted). 2- A geostationary projection map_proj=crss.Geostationary(central_longitude=82.4) over which the data is to be plotted. 3- An area bounded within the geostationary projection where data is to be plotted by plt.imshow method. I want the data to …

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How to color cells based on value

How to color cells based on value Question: I’m trying to use pyplot to illustrate a layout in a robotic path planning RL concept. I’ve created the layout as below, but I cannot get the cells to color based on the value of the cell. I’ve used an np.array to generate the image and pyplot, …

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Python: Plot frequency of negative (x,y) coordinates

Python: Plot frequency of negative (x,y) coordinates Question: I’m trying to plot the frequencies of a 2D-integer random walk starting from (0,0). First, I get a list of (x,y)-coordinates, some of which are negative and I’m having problems plotting them the right way. I know my current attempt is wrong, as (0,0) sometimes look like …

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Why does a right click open a drop down menu in my OpenCV imshow() window?

Why does a right click open a drop down menu in my OpenCV imshow() window? Question: I am trying to run the OpenCV Grabcut Sample on my system: OpenCV version 4.1.0 Python version 3.6.8 IDLE version 3.6.8 Ubuntu 18.04.2 This is the build information from cv2.getBuildInformation(): In the Grabcut Sample script, I need to ‘draw …

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