
SQLite: how to concatenate JOIN

SQLite: how to concatenate JOIN Question: I have three tables in my database, related to physical exercises: exercises(id, name) tags(id, name) exercises_tags(id_exercise, id_tag) The exercises_tags table stores which tags corresponds to which exercise. One exercise can have multiple tags. Example: exercises(id, name): (1, ‘squat’) tags(id, name) (1, ‘legs’) (2, ‘quads’) (3, triceps) exercises_tags(id_exercise, id_tag) (1, …

Total answers: 1

Merging 2 datasets in Python

Merging 2 datasets in Python Question: I have 2 diffferent datasets and I want to merge these 2 datasets based on column "country" with the common country names and dropping the ones different. I have done it with inner merge, but the dataset is not as I want to have. inner_merged = pd.merge(TFC_DATA,CO2_DATA,how="inner",on="country") TFC_DATA (in …

Total answers: 2

Python Pandas Merge/Join

Python Pandas Merge/Join Question: This is a sample script for some basic testing that later should be implemented in PowerQuery/Python. I’m not a Python developer so please be gentle. import pandas as pd data = [[‘Sql "syn-eu2-prd-edw-001 database windows net", "syndpeu2prdedw1", Query="SELECT ta FROM rdv_60_137.Account"’, "x1"], ["b1", "x2"]] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Expression","Key"]) ser = df[‘Expression’] …

Total answers: 1

Merge two (or more) lists of dictionaries pairing using a specific key

Merge two (or more) lists of dictionaries pairing using a specific key Question: I have a set of different lists of dictionaries (actually obtained reading Excel worksheets) and I need to do an "inner join" on them: each list is equivalent to a database table (each dict is a record) each record has a specific …

Total answers: 4

How to make an Inner Join in django?

How to make an Inner Join in django? Question: I want to show in an Html the name of the city, state, and country of a publication. But they are in different tables. Here is my class country(models.Model): country_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True) country_subdomain = models.CharField(max_length=3, null=True) def __str__(self): return self.country_name class countrystate(models.Model): state_name = …

Total answers: 5

Why does Pandas inner join give ValueError: len(left_on) must equal the number of levels in the index of "right"?

Why does Pandas inner join give ValueError: len(left_on) must equal the number of levels in the index of "right"? Question: I’m trying to inner join DataFrame A to DataFrame B and am running into an error. Here’s my join statement: merged = DataFrameA.join(DataFrameB, on=[‘Code’,’Date’]) And here’s the error: ValueError: len(left_on) must equal the number of …

Total answers: 2