
python integer value replacement in a list not working properly

python integer value replacement in a list not working properly Question: I am trying to replace a few integers from a list with a specific value. However, the output which I am getting is not desirable. Is the for loop not working properly or is there some other problem? y1= [1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,-4,0,0] for i in range(len(y1)): …

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how to select a list with the most occurances

how to select a list with the most occurances Question: I have a list of lists that contains a list I am looking for. This list of lists contains 11 integers before a string and after that string is the number of times that list in particular has occurred e.g [‘1’, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘0’, …

Total answers: 2

Converting json value from integer to string format: Python

Converting json value from integer to string format: Python Question: I have a JSON file That provides the values as integers, so I need to change them to strings to continue with my project. Here’s the JSON (there’s more pairs but this is for examples sake): { "cotdata": [ { "AUDLONGDEALERINTERMEDIARY": 22990, "GBPLONGASSETMANAGERS": 39765 } …

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Cannot figure out what is causing this error in Python

Cannot figure out what is causing this error in Python Question: I keep getting this TypeError: ‘int’ object is not subscriptable error. I’m stuck. I’ve tried taking away and adding str and int in different places but nothing has worked at all. Asked By: Timothy Carroll || Source Answers: Try this code. def midform(point1, point2): …

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How Do I Check RegEx In Integer Form

How Do I Check RegEx In Integer Form Question: I am trying to do the Advent Of Code 2022, 1st problem. (DONT TELL THE ANSWER). What i am doing is reading the file and taking each number and adding it to a sum value. What happens is, when I come across the "n", it doesn’t …

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Create new variables that are equal but in a different type

Create new variables that are equal but in a different type Question: Some of the variables in my df are in object dtype and I want to change them to int, and create a new variable to add to the df. This is what I tried " df_l[‘price2’] = df_l[‘price’].astype(‘int’) df[‘host_acceptance_rate2’] = df_l[‘host_acceptance_rate’].astype(‘int’) df_l[‘host_is_superhost2’] = …

Total answers: 1

Sum of value in a dictionary

Sum of value in a dictionary Question: I’m new here. I wanted to sum all the values inside a dictionary, but my values are all strings, I don’t know how to convert the strings to integers… I really appreciate if anyone can help with it! Here’s the dictionary with code dic1 = dict() dic1 = …

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How can I prove that a value from input is a number in Python?

How can I prove that a value from input is a number in Python? Question: For a task I had to write a programm the programm functions nicely so I dont have a problem there. But I have to use input() and than I have to prove if the type is correct. I only needs …

Total answers: 2