
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2' in ipython

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2' in ipython Question: This question has been asked before but none of the answers are unsatisfactory condition. I am trying to set up a PostgreSQL database for pandas with jupyter notebook (ipython) always I have following error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘psycopg2’ the same I have connect with my Django …

Total answers: 4

Auto reloading jupyter notebook when file changed on disk

Auto reloading jupyter notebook when file changed on disk Question: I’d like to edit jupyter notebooks using an IDE (pycharm) for the autocomplete functionality. But pycharm isn’t very good at executing / previewing the results, so I’d like to keep the notebook open in the browser and automatically reload whenever the file changes on disk. …

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can't run ipython on cmd

can't run ipython on cmd Question: I successfully installed ipython via pip. I wanted then to use it by launching it through windows 10 command prompt but am getting the following error ‘ipython’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have gone through many questions on stackoverflow …

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converting from .py to .ipynb

converting from .py to .ipynb Question: I wrote a juypter notebook that has been converted to .py somehow. I would like it back in the original format. Does anyone know how to do that? There is a previous stack overflow question about this, but the solution doesn’t work for me. Converting to (not from) ipython …

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Yank/copy selected text to clipboard in IPython Vi mode

Yank/copy selected text to clipboard in IPython Vi mode Question: I can’t figure out how to copy lines that I selected/highlighted in IPython in Vim mode to the normal clipboard (to be pasted outside of the IPython shell). Normally, in vim I can yank text using “+y and paste it somewhere else, but hitting those …

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Python/Jupyter notebook in VSCode does not use the right environment

Python/Jupyter notebook in VSCode does not use the right environment Question: The situation I use Anaconda 3 on Windows 10. I have a Visual Studio Code workspace (my_workspace) than contains a Jupyter notebook (my_notebook.ipynb). VSCode has the Python extension installed. The file my_workspace/settings.json contains: { “python.pythonPath”: “C:\Users\Me\Anaconda3\envs\my_env\python.exe” } my_env is an existing Anaconda environment. I …

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Can I define an action on file upload when using ipywidgets FileUpload widget

Can I define an action on file upload when using ipywidgets FileUpload widget Question: I want to create an event off the uploading of a file with widgets.FileUpload same as I would do with an widgets.Button using the .on_click(some_function). Is there a way to do something like this import ipywidgets as widgets def do_something_with_file(fu): content …

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How to increase Jupyter notebook Memory limit?

How to increase Jupyter notebook Memory limit? Question: I am using jupyter notebook with Python3 on windows 10. My computer has 8GB RAM and at least 4GB of my RAM is free. But when I want to make a numpy ndArray with size 6000*6000 with this command: np.zeros((6000, 6000), dtype=’float64′) I got this : Unable …

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Using imread in python 3

Using imread in python 3 Question: I have installed EmoPy in google collab, pip install EmoPy and tried to execute the following code. showing error in imread command.Please help me out from EmoPy.src.fermodel import FERModel from pkg_resources import resource_filename target_emotions = [‘calm’, ‘anger’, ‘happiness’] model = FERModel(target_emotions, verbose=True) print(‘Predicting on happy image…’) model.predict(resource_filename(‘EmoPy.examples’,’image_data/sample_happy_image.png’)) print(‘Predicting on …

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