
.isin() returning a blank dataframe

.isin() returning a blank dataframe Question: My DataFrame: Trying… Nope… Still nope… AND YET… Any idea why I can’t filter this dataframe by a list using isin? I’m expecting it to return one or more rows where the Chord Notes column equals the list [‘C’,’E’,’G’] Asked By: Sir Roland Baggybottom IV || Source Answers: you …

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Only list-like objects are allowed to be passed to isn()

Only list-like objects are allowed to be passed to isn() Question: I have a dropdown menu: dcc.Dropdown( id="select", options = list(all_df[‘Device’].unique()), value = list(all_df[‘Device’].unique()[0]) ) dcc.Graph(id = ‘shared’ , figure={} ), to enable a selection of a device (or devices) to plot later on: @app.callback( Output("shared", "figure"), Input("select", "value") ) def update_signal_chart(select): df4 = all_df[all_df[‘Device’].isin(select)] …

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How to split a tolist result in two groups (new lists)?

How to split a tolist result in two groups (new lists)? Question: I have a problem, I try many things and I can’t manage to do this. It’s a code that check if the delivery numbers are on our sales report. Here it’s the code: dfn = dfn.astype(‘str’) diff = dfn[~dfn[‘Numero de Envio’].isin(dfn[‘Unnamed: 13’])].dropna()[[‘Numero de …

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Exclude/Filter values from dataframe with function .isin() in Pandas

Exclude/Filter values from dataframe with function .isin() in Pandas Question: I’m working on a Pandas dataframe with transactional data (customer purchases) and want to exclude rows with certain customer numbers contained in a column ‘CUSTOMER_ID’. To achieve this, I created a list with the customer numbers to be exluded: excluded_customers = [‘2000’, ‘2100’, ‘3100’, ‘4000’, …

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Series finds value through direct == comparison but fails on isin() process

Series finds value through direct == comparison but fails on isin() process Question: I am trying to filter a dataframe through this method: filter = (df_1[‘Year’]==2022) & **(df_1[‘Quarter’].isin([‘2022Q3′,’2022Q4’]))** df_incumbent = df_1[filter].groupby([‘Lane’,’Carrier Scac’,’Quarter’]).agg({‘Cust Linehaul’:np.mean,’Load Number’:’count’}).unstack(‘Quarter’,fill_value=’NaN’) df_incumbent And it returns nothing. However when I do a direct comparison item by item it returns a dataframe. filter = …

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How do you lookup in range

How do you lookup in range Question: I have 2 data frames that I would like to return the values in a range (-1, 0, +1). One of the data frames contains Id’s that i would like to look up and the other data frame contains Id’s & values. For example, I want to lookup …

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Flag column values that are not present in another dataframe

Flag column values that are not present in another dataframe Question: I have a benchmark df_1: Col_1 insight_id Col_2 Col_n 24249 ABC123 656 AAA 24249 ABC123 670 AXA 22549 ABC124 656 AAC 24249 ABC124 656 ADA 24236 ABC125 656 AAA And a dataset df_2: Col_a insight_id Col_b Col_x 24299 ABC123 956 XAA 24299 ABC123 970 …

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populating binary column based on historic values within group Python

populating binary column based on historic values within group Python Question: I am working on populating a binary column based on status values a certain product ID traveled through during its lifetime. Hence, I first sorted my frame by ‘id’ and ‘date’. Now, I would need to code something like: "If ID currently in status …

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