
Offcanvas dismiss button does not work when instance initialised via Javascript

Offcanvas dismiss button does not work when instance initialised via Javascript Question: I have offcanvas as part of the page layout. It does not show by default, but I want it to always show on large screens. On small screens it should have a button to dismiss it. Another button to show the offcanvas is …

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How to show image from body of post request in flask api?

How to show image from body of post request in flask api? Question: I am trying to display the image captured from the browser/html canvas. A user would basically draw something, and I want to send it to my flask api so i can further process it with opencv, but i am having trouble just …

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Python requests result doesn't match the website because of JavaScript

Python requests result doesn't match the website because of JavaScript Question: I’m trying to scrape links of products from a webpage (url below). The page uses JavaScript. I tried different libraries, but the links don’t show up in the results (the links have the format */product/*, as you can see by hovering over product links …

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Data format being changed when saving .xls file with Python

Data format being changed when saving .xls file with Python Question: TLDR I have dates that show in this format ‘44992’, which I can’t recognise – is there a way to turn that into another format in JS? I have a Python script that pulls a spreadsheet from a website. In that original spreadsheet, there’s …

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update the value of a drop down filter according to the entry of the first

update the value of a drop down filter according to the entry of the first Question: I’m developing a flask application that filters the value of a Mysql database table and depending on the selected value of the first drop down it will update the value of the second drop down. and then finally return …

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Javascript to python data is not sent i am using flask and unable to convert

Javascript to python data is not sent i am using flask and unable to convert Question: (comment how can i improve way to present the question as well) I am making a project for typing speed web application using Flask. But the problem is in calculating the time it takes for user to type. I’ve …

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Executing Python via newer versions of Pyodide in React leads to an error

Executing Python via newer versions of Pyodide in React leads to an error Question: I am a React and Pyodide newbie. I am trying to get the following code to work in a way that I can utilize some OpenCV functionality. The code below works and I can use numpy, etc in the calculations. However, …

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What is the reason a Python3 loop is taking so much longer than Node.js?

What is the reason a Python3 loop is taking so much longer than Node.js? Question: First of all, some readers are negating it as a valid question. But if my goal is to check, if I have an algorithm that is O(n²) and n is 10000 or 100,000, then what kind of minimum running time …

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How to pass file using html form, Dropzone and Flask

How to pass file using html form, Dropzone and Flask Question: I am using Dropzone and Flask using html form to pass files. like this below: <form action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" class="dropzone" id="myAwesomeDropzone" > <div class="fallback"> <input name="file" id="file" type="file" accept=".csv, text/csv, text/plain, text/tsv, text/comma-separated-values" /> </div> <div class="dz-message needsclick"> <i class="h1 text-muted dripicons-cloud-upload"></i> <h3>Drop CSV …

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