
webbrowser library is not working as intended on SikulixIDE

webbrowser library is not working as intended on SikulixIDE Question: On SikulixIDE, the library webbrowser always open the default browser, even when i use the get method, i tried my code on regular python, it does work. Anyone know why it is reacting like that ? webbrowser.get(‘C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s’).open(myurl) Asked By: Corentin Gauquier || Source …

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How do I run Python Scripts in Java with the ScriptEngine?

How do I run Python Scripts in Java with the ScriptEngine? Question: I’m trying to run Python Scripts in my Java Application with Jyton/ScriptEngine but it’s not working. ScriptEngine does not find JythonScriptEngine. public static void main(String[] Args) throws FileNotFoundException, ScriptException { PySystemState engineSys = new PySystemState(); engineSys.path.append(Py.newString("C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/jython2.7.2/jython.jar")); Py.setSystemState(engineSys); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); ScriptContext …

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How can I read text on the screen presented as an image using sikulix IDE?

How can I read text on the screen presented as an image using sikulix IDE? Question: I’m using sikulix IDE version 2.0.5 in windows 10 and the usage so far is successful. I want to read a specific single line text on the screen using sikulix IDE. I can’t copy the text to the clipboard …

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Run Python script through Java with importing just once

Run Python script through Java with importing just once Question: Update April 2020: I have accepted the answer below because it proposes a very good and simple solution to my problem but I never got my code to work! If anyone has already built something similar please contact me! I have a simple script my-script.py …

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Why does importing a Python library throw a syntax error?

Why does importing a Python library throw a syntax error? Question: I have a Windows machine in which some Python code works, but now needs to work on new machine. I have installed the same Python version 3.6.5. First issue was that when I run the code, it can not find a re.py library, which …

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Using GraalPython as a Jython replacement

Using GraalPython as a Jython replacement Question: I wonder if it is possible to use GraalPython as a Java library to interpret Python code on a standard JVM. If so, would it be a good choice to replace Jython (which only supports Python 2.7)? It would be great if that was possible without importing the …

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Passing multiple lines of code to wsadmin.sh?

Passing multiple lines of code to wsadmin.sh? Question: I would like to pass a few lines of code to a WebSphere profile. Here’s what I attempted: # ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -c ‘print(“Hello”) > print(“World!”)’ This printed out a response of: WAS7209I: Connected to process”<my profile name>” on node <node name> using SOAP connector; The type …

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Boolean identity == True vs is True

Boolean identity == True vs is True Question: It is standard convention to use if foo is None rather than if foo == None to test if a value is specifically None. If you want to determine whether a value is exactly True (not just a true-like value), is there any reason to use if …

Total answers: 7

Logging messages appear twice in console Python

Logging messages appear twice in console Python Question: I have found this answer to a seemingly similar issue, however (since I’m novice into Python) I am not sure how to implement this solution in my code (if it’s the same issue after all). In my code I have the following section: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=’%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s …

Total answers: 4