
Python: how to kill child process(es) when parent dies?

Python: how to kill child process(es) when parent dies? Question: The child process is started with subprocess.Popen(arg) Is there a way to ensure it is killed when parent terminates abnormally? I need this to work both on Windows and Linux. I am aware of this solution for Linux. Edit: the requirement of starting a child …

Total answers: 4

Kill or terminate subprocess when timeout?

Kill or terminate subprocess when timeout? Question: I would like to repeatedly execute a subprocess as fast as possible. However, sometimes the process will take too long, so I want to kill it. I use signal.signal(…) like below: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop_handler) signal.alarm(1) ….. def stop_handler(signal, frame): print ‘Stop test’+testdir+’for time out’ if(pipeexe.poll()==None and hasattr(signal, “SIGKILL”)): …

Total answers: 6

Kill process by name?

Kill process by name? Question: I’m trying to kill a process (specifically iChat). On the command line, I use these commands: ps -A | grep iChat Then: kill -9 PID However, I’m not exactly sure how to translate these commands over to Python. Asked By: Aaron || Source Answers: If you have killall: os.system(“killall -9 …

Total answers: 17

Run a process and kill it if it doesn't end within one hour

Run a process and kill it if it doesn't end within one hour Question: I need to do the following in Python. I want to spawn a process (subprocess module?), and: if the process ends normally, to continue exactly from the moment it terminates; if, otherwise, the process “gets stuck” and doesn’t terminate within (say) …

Total answers: 5

Is there any way to kill a Thread?

Is there any way to kill a Thread? Question: Is it possible to terminate a running thread without setting/checking any flags/semaphores/etc.? Asked By: Sudden Def || Source Answers: You should never forcibly kill a thread without cooperating with it. Killing a thread removes any guarantees that try/finally blocks set up so you might leave locks …

Total answers: 32

Ensuring subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program

Ensuring subprocesses are dead on exiting Python program Question: Is there a way to ensure all created subprocess are dead at exit time of a Python program? By subprocess I mean those created with subprocess.Popen(). If not, should I iterate over all of the issuing kills and then kills -9? anything cleaner? Asked By: pupeno …

Total answers: 15