
How to change some settings on LabeledProgressbar in tkinter?

How to change some settings on LabeledProgressbar in tkinter? Question: The source code is .. from tkinter import * import time from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar, Style def prog(): for i in range(0, 11): time.sleep(0.1) p1.step(100 / 10) txt = str(i) + ‘/’ + str(10) s1.configure("LabeledProgressbar", text=txt) fn.update() for i in range(0, 16): time.sleep(0.1) p2.step(100 / …

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How to give diferent colors to diferent lines in matplotlib

How to give diferent colors to diferent lines in matplotlib Question: materias = ["MAT 1","MAT 2","MAT 3","FIS 1","FIS 2","FIS 3","QUI 1","QUI 2","GEO 1","GEO 2","PORT","RED","LIT","ART","ING","HIST 1","HIST 2","FIL","SOC","EDF","BIO 1","BIO 2","BIO 3" ] for i in materias: note= str(i) file_name = ‘images/’ + str(i) +’.png’ print(i,":") plt.plot(df["PROVAS"], df[i], label=note) plt.legend() plt.savefig(file_name) i dont know how to merge …

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tkinter radiobutton value no pass to label, remain at initial value

tkinter radiobutton value no pass to label, remain at initial value Question: I try to display the current variable for the radio button but it seems remain at the initial value which is zero. my code was as below: single_magnet_plot_style=IntVar(value=0) Radio Button variable assignment: scatter_rbtn=Radiobutton(window, text="Scatter Plot", variable=single_magnet_plot_style,value=1),y=600) line_rbtn=Radiobutton(window, text="Line Plot", variable=single_magnet_plot_style,value=2), y=600) …

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Set size for a frame

Set size for a frame Question: What is the point of setting a size for a frame on Tkinter, if it will resize every time I add a new widget. ` frame1 = Frame(self.MainWindow,width=600,height=100,bg=’Blue’) frame1.grid(row=0,column=0) #frame1.pack() #Title self.mainTitle = Label(frame1,text=’Welcome’) self.mainTitle.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=60,pady=5) #Back button backButton = Button(frame1,text=’Home’,command=None) backButton.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=60,pady=5) nexButton = Button(frame1,text=’Next’,command=None) nexButton.grid(row=0,column=2,padx=60,pady=5) ` I do not …

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Avoiding { in tkinter label coming from tuple

Avoiding { in tkinter label coming from tuple Question: So I moved from printing my results to displaying them via a tkinter label. ttk.Label(root, text = (‘Erlaubte Fehlergrenze zwischen’, hin1,’ und ‘, hin2,’ = ‘,fehlergrenze,’ Wir haben: ‘, fehler)).pack() Now I have the problem that I get unwanted brackets {} seemingly coming from ”. Example …

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List comprehension for matplotlib methods

List comprehension for matplotlib methods Question: ax[0].set_ylabel("Valor") ax[1].set_ylabel("Máximos y Mínimos") ax[2].set_ylabel("Fear and Greed") ax[3].set_ylabel("Put Call Ratio") ax[4].set_ylabel("T10Y2Y") ax[5].set_ylabel("RASI") ax[6].set_ylabel("Oscilador Mcclellan") I’m trying to put all of these in a list comprehension, something like this but doesn’t work: [[ax[i].set_ylabel(x) for i in range(7)] for x in [‘Valor’, ‘Máximos y Mínimos’, ‘Fear & Greed’, ‘Put Call Ratio’, …

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Finding training data for tweets with labels: positive, negative, neutral

Finding training data for tweets with labels: positive, negative, neutral Question: Are there any training data of tweets with labels: positive, negative, neutral as following: "tweet 1" positive "tweet 2" positive "tweet 3" neutral "tweet 4" negative Or in general are there any good site for finding training sets? Asked By: TheRi || Source Answers: …

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tkinter label and button grid placing

tkinter label and button grid placing Question: i have created window, in that window i put frame. Then i want to create two labels after them button widget. But, button widget appears upper than second label widget even though i put btn in row=2, and label2 in row=1. It ‘s hard for me to get …

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Excel cell list showing as string in Python

Excel cell list showing as string in Python Question: I have a excel table, in which I have a column as below. Which is label list from JIRA I would like to take each cell value as a list by running a for loop. For example: List=[‘[Engineering]’,'[Non-Engineering]’] Then I will use it to update my …

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