
Regex to Remove Block Comments but Keep Empty Lines?

Regex to Remove Block Comments but Keep Empty Lines? Question: Is it possible to remove a block comment without removing the line breaks with a regex? Let’s say I have this text: text = """Keep this /* this has to go this should go too but leave empty line */ This stays on line number …

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How do I get rid of b' if I want to parse a bash output using python?

How do I get rid of b' if I want to parse a bash output using python? Question: At my python application I’m doing the following to get some values from a larger JSON ffgrading_json = exec_command(f'{options["path_ffprobe"]} -loglevel quiet -print_format json -read_intervals "%+#2" -select_streams v:0 -show_entries side_data "{path}" | egrep -m 1 -A 10 "Mastering …

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Can I assign the result of a function on multiple lines? Python

Can I assign the result of a function on multiple lines? Python Question: Lets say I have a function that return a lot of variables: def func(): return var_a, var_b, var_c, var_d, var_e, var_f, var_g, var_h, var_i, Using this function results in very long lines var_a, var_b, var_c, var_d, var_e, var_f, var_g, var_h, var_i = …

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How to break a long line with multiple bracket pairs?

How to break a long line with multiple bracket pairs? Question: How to break a long line with multiple bracket pairs to follow PEP 8’s 79-character limit? config["network"]["connection"]["client_properties"]["service"] = config["network"]["connection"]["client_properties"]["service"].format(service=service) Asked By: Maggyero || Source Answers: Using black, the opinionated, reproducible code formatter: config[“network”][“connection”][“client_properties”][ “service” ] = config[“network”][“connection”][“client_properties”][ “service” ].format( service=service ) Answered By: Reblochon …

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Get text from an element with <br> on its composition, using Python Selenium

Get text from an element with <br> on its composition, using Python Selenium Question: I’m pulling contact information (text) from a website and I can currently pull all the class data, using the following XPath syntax: //*[@id="nomapdata"]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1] Using this XPath expression for the element, I get the following text as the result: Name Title Company …

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How to make a line break on the Python ternary operator?

How to make a line break on the Python ternary operator? Question: Sometimes a line containing a ternary operator in Python gets too long: answer = ‘Ten for that? You must be mad!’ if does_not_haggle(brian) else “It’s worth ten if it’s worth a shekel.” Is there a recommended way to make a line break at …

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How to prevent YAML to dump long line without new line

How to prevent YAML to dump long line without new line Question: While dumping/serializing data having long lines in input, pyyaml adds extra indentation with new line – which is annoying, how can we avoid this conversion in two lines / multiple lines ? e.g. In [1]: x = "-c /home/user/test/test2/test23/tet/2s/test1/stest/longdirectory1/directory2/ –optnion12 –verbose" In [2]: …

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How to read a file without newlines?

How to read a file without newlines? Question: In Python, calling e.g. temp = open(filename,’r’).readlines() results in a list in which each element is a line from the file. However, these strings have a newline character at the end, which I don’t want. How can I get the data without the newlines? Asked By: Yotam …

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How do I specify new lines on Python, when writing on files?

How do I specify new lines in a string in order to write multiple lines to a file? Question: How can I indicate a newline in a string in Python, so that I can write multiple lines to a text file? Asked By: FabianCook || Source Answers: The same way with ‘n’, though you’d probably …

Total answers: 16

Correct style for line breaks when chaining methods in Python

Correct style for line breaks when chaining methods in Python Question: I have some code like this. Should the break occur before the periods or after? # before my_var = somethinglikethis.where(we=do_things).where(we=domore).where(we=everdomore) # this way my_var = somethinglikethis.where(we=do_things) .where(we=domore) .where(we=everdomore) # or this way my_var = somethinglikethis.where(we=do_things). where(we=domore). where(we=everdomore) Asked By: JiminyCricket || Source Answers: Do …

Total answers: 4