
regex: cleaning text: remove everything upto a certain line

regex: cleaning text: remove everything upto a certain line Question: I have a text file containing The Tragedie of Macbeth. I want to clean it and the first step is to remove everything upto the line The Tragedie of Macbeth and store the remaining part in removed_intro_file. I tried: import re filename, title = ‘MacBeth.txt’, …

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Trying to have the corresponding answer by typing the room number

Trying to have the corresponding answer by typing the room number Question: def main(): # Initialize dictionaries rooms = { ‘CS101’:3004, ‘CS102’:4501, ‘CS103’:6755, ‘NT110’:1244, ‘CM241’:1411} instructors = {‘CS101′:’Haynes’, ‘CS102′:’Alvarado’, ‘CS103′:’Rich’, ‘NT110′:’Burke’, ‘CM241′:’Lee’} times = {‘CS101′:’8:00 am’, ‘CS102′:’9:00 am’, ‘CS103′:’10:00 am’, ‘NT110′:’11:00 am’, ‘CM241′:’12:00 pm’} course = input(‘Enter a course number:’ ) if course not in …

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How to plot average value lines and not every single value in Plotly

How to plot average value lines and not every single value in Plotly Question: First of all; sorry if what I am writing here is not up to stackoverflow standards, I am trying my best. I have a dataframe with around 18k rows and 89 columns with information about football players. For example I need …

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Pygame doesn't draw line

Pygame doesn't draw line Question: import pygame import sys pygame.init() width, height = 1000, 800 win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Colonizer") win.fill("white") pygame.display.update() def draw(): pygame.draw.line(win, ("black"), [width,height/2], [width*2,height/2], 5) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() draw() pygame.display.update() I’m trying to make one simple line and for some reason pygame …

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How can I assign a line in a text file to a variable in python

Assigning `.txt` file contents to a list in python Question: I am making an app that stores its settings in a .txt file. I am able to get the line count, but I don’t know, how to store the different lines as values in a list. For example: linecount = 0 datainfile = [] with …

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lines with matches as a new column

lines with matches as a new column Question: I have a file: Position1 Val1 Val2 Val3 Position2 Val4 Val10 Val5 Position3 Val20 Val200 and I would like to move the line with the word "Position" as a new column, tab separated: Val1tPosition1 Val2tPosition1 Val3tPosition1 Val4tPosition2 Val10tPosition2 Val5tPosition2 Val20tPosition3 Val200tPosition3 Val vary in quantity, so Position(s) …

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Delete an artist from a figure

Delete an artist from a figure Question: I have a boxplot created with pandas (with all the lines saved in dict): tup = ….boxplot(column = [plot_it], by = ‘C’, ax = ax, return_type = ‘both’) How can I remove all the artists (lines added by the boxplot) from the figure,so that I can reuse those …

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Extract lines containing specific words

Extract lines containing specific words Question: Input: ID aa AA Homo sapiens DR ac BB ad FT ae // ID ba AA mouse DR bc BB bd FT be // ID ca AA Homo sapiens DR cc BB cd FT ce // Expected output: DR ac FT ae // DR cc FT ce // Code: …

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Intersection of two line segments in Python

Intersection of two line segments in Python Question: Different articles have discussed about the intersection of two line segments in Python such as How do I compute the intersection point of two lines?, Numpy and line intersections, How can I check if two segments intersect? But, no one made it perfect since, they did not …

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how to remove duplicate lines of a huge file in python

how to remove duplicate lines of a huge file in python Question: I have a txt file around 32GB and need to check whether there are some duplicate lines or not. What is the best way to remove duplicate lines of a huge text file without reading it line by line? Asked By: dinan || …

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