
Mmap throws an error: mmap object has no attribute 'split'

Mmap throws an error: mmap object has no attribute 'split' Question: I am writing a code that should search faster in a large file using mmap. import re import mmap with open(‘words.txt’, ‘r’, encoding="utf8") as f1, open(‘source.txt’, ‘r’, encoding="utf8") as f2, open(‘output.txt’, ‘w’, encoding="utf8") as output_file: # Map the contents of file1 and file2 into …

Total answers: 1

Convert bytestring to float in python

Convert bytestring to float in python Question: I am working on a project where I read data which is written into memory by a Delphi/Pascal program using memory mapping on a Windows PC. I am now mapping the memory again using pythons mmap and the handle given by the other program and as expected get …

Total answers: 1

Python – Download File Using Requests, Directly to Memory

Python – Download File Using Requests, Directly to Memory Question: The goal is to download a file from the internet, and create from it a file object, or a file like object without ever having it touch the hard drive. This is just for my knowledge, wanting to know if its possible or practical, particularly …

Total answers: 3

Why doesn't Python's mmap work with large files?

Why doesn't Python's mmap work with large files? Question: [Edit: This problem applies only to 32-bit systems. If your computer, your OS and your python implementation are 64-bit, then mmap-ing huge files works reliably and is extremely efficient.] I am writing a module that amongst other things allows bitwise read access to files. The files …

Total answers: 8