
Finding mode of unique array combination in the rows of 2d numpy array

Finding mode of unique array combination in the rows of 2d numpy array Question: I have a 2d numpy array which I’m trying to return the mode array along axis = 0 (rows). However, I would like to return the most frequent unique row combination. And not the three modes for all three columns which …

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finding the mode and multi mode of a given data set

finding the mode and multi mode of a given data set Question: my goal is to find the mode If you have two or more numbers occurring the same number of times then the mode is all those numbers. my approach was to put the data into a dictionary and grab the key or key(s) …

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How to groupby().transform() to find mode in dataframe?

How to groupby().transform() to find mode in dataframe? Question: I have a dataframe like: lst = [["High", "A"], ["High", "A"], ["High", "B"],["Medium", "A"], ["Medium", "B"], ["Medium", "C"]] df = pd.DataFrame(lst, columns =["Class", "Grade"]) I need to get the mode (majority vote) of "Grade" in each "Class". If it’s a tie vote, assign "x". Below is …

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Does Python code run when computer is sleeping?

Does Python code run when computer is sleeping? Question: I have an unusual question.. Does Python code run when computer is sleeping? Thank you for help! Asked By: traiz || Source Answers: Check your computer’s "Power Options" in the Control panel. You don’t need to worry about the screen locking because as long as the …

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Distinguish between a file or a directory in paramiko

Distinguish between a file or a directory in paramiko Question: I’m trying to walk over the contents of a directory and determine whether or not each item is a file or a folder. I can do the solution suggested in this link: >>> for i in ftp.listdir(): … lstatout=str(ftp.lstat(i)).split()[0] … if ‘d’ not in lstatout: …

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Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array

Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array Question: I have a 2D array containing integers (both positive or negative). Each row represents the values over time for a particular spatial site, whereas each column represents values for various spatial sites for a given time. So if the array is like: 1 3 4 …

Total answers: 11

GroupBy pandas DataFrame and select most common value

GroupBy pandas DataFrame and select most common value Question: I have a data frame with three string columns. I know that the only one value in the 3rd column is valid for every combination of the first two. To clean the data I have to group by data frame by first two columns and select …

Total answers: 13

Is there a possibility to execute a Python script while being in interactive mode

Is there a possibility to execute a Python script while being in interactive mode Question: Normally you can execute a Python script for example: python, but if you are in the interactive mode, how is it possible to execute a Python script on the filesystem? >>> exec(File) ??? It should be possible to execute …

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