
Matplotlib plotting nan values

Matplotlib plotting nan values Question: I am trying to plot a bar graph in matplotlib, but somehow it plots the nan values. import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math engine_data= pd.read_excel(‘edb-emissions-databank_v28c_web.xlsx’, sheet_name = ‘nvPM Emissions’) manufacturers = engine_data.value_counts(‘Manufacturer’).index.values def Average(engine_type, column, manufacturer): averages = [] for manufacturer in manufacturers: average = engine_data[(engine_data.iloc[:,2]== …

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Why will python function max() return different outputs if float('NaN') value is permuted in a dictionary but key-max_value remains the same?

Why will python function max() return different outputs if float('NaN') value is permuted in a dictionary but key-max_value remains the same? Question: Let’s pretend I have the following simple dictionary: dictionary = {‘a’:3, ‘b’:4, ‘c’:float(‘NaN’)} If I use function max() to return the key with maximum value… key_maxvalue = max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get) print(key_maxvalue) …python outputs this: …

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How to change values in specific rows/columns to NaN based on condition?

How to change values in specific rows/columns to NaN based on condition? Question: I’ve got some strange values in my date column of my dataset. I’m trying to change these unexpected values into NaN. I don’t know what these unexpected values will be, hence why I made df 2 – where I’m searching for months …

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Fixing IndexingError to clean the data

Fixing IndexingError to clean the data Question: I’m trying to identify outliers in each housing type category, but encountering an issue. Whenever I run the code, I receive the following error: "IndexingError: Unalignable boolean Series provided as indexer (index of the boolean Series and of the indexed object do not match). grouped = df.groupby(‘Type’) q1 …

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How can I replace a nan value in an "object" column?

How can I replace a nan value in an "object" column? Question: How can I replace a nan value in a column which is an ‘object’, contains other str and ensure it goes into the main df and not just the slice. I have tried this covid_19_df.Country_code.fillna(‘OT’) but it is still empty D Country_code Country …

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Converting nan to NaN in python

Converting nan to NaN in python Question: I have a field [X] in a df where it has missing values and I created a new field [Y] based of the field [X] using a sub string function. df["Y"] = df["X"].astype(str).str[:4] The field df[X] has missing values identified as "NaN" and the field df[Y] has missing …

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Impute column based on another column is NaN or not

Impute column based on another column is NaN or not Question: I have a simple df here. So basically for Null values in ["A"] if the same row has no null value for ["B"] then make the ["A"] equal to ["B"] and if they are both null then it should just skip. Code: test = …

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