
Showing new lines(n) in PD Dataframe String

Showing new lines(n) in PD Dataframe String Question: I am trying to create a dataframe that has one column that contains a string of texts that has lines. Those lines are separated by lines so that they are easily readable. string=[”’ hello all:. I request the following from you: do the laundry: sleep early wake …

Total answers: 3

How to join strings into one sentence separated by spaces

How to join strings into one sentence separated by spaces Question: I have this code: with open("wordslist.txt") as f: words_list = {word.removesuffix("n") for word in f} with open("neg.csv") as g: for tweete in g: for word in tweete.split(): if word not in words_list: print(word) and the output is like this: gfg best gfg I am …

Total answers: 2

New line character does not work in a return string in Python

New line character does not work in a return string in Python Question: Here in the below code, I try to do a calculation in a function and then I return all the values in a string to the main program body in Python. The issue here is the new line character n does not …

Total answers: 3

Writing string to a file on a new line every time in Python

Writing string to a file on a new line every time in Python Question: I have a loop, which have to write text on a new line every time. Here`s the code in Python: for j in b: data = json.loads(json.dumps(j)) data = json.dumps(data) data = json.loads(data) from_id = data[‘from_id’] text = data[‘text’] if (os.path.exists(f'{user_id}.txt’)): …

Total answers: 1

Python read from file – newline

Python read from file – newline Question: I am writing a list (simple[]) to a file using writelines() and I need each item from the list to be on a new line in the file. I am using the following code: file_path_simple = r'[path_redacted]tx_list_simple.txt’ with open(file_path_simple, ‘w’) as fp: for i in simple: #ignores any …

Total answers: 2

how to add a newline after each append in list

how to add a newline after each append in list Question: I have a list of tuples in rows which I need to append to another list and add a newline after each entry I tried everything I can think of but I cant seem to do it properly here is the code: niz = …

Total answers: 3

how to restructure data in python

how to restructure data in python Question: I’m new to Python. I need to restructure the inputed string data into entered/separated by carriage return characters like this one: Input: D A P U R N U W A Y Output: D N A U P W U A R Y I tried to use the …

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How to print without a newline without using end=" "?

How to print without a newline without using end=" "? Question: I need to design a function named firstN that, given a positive integer n, displays on the screen the first n integers on the same line, separated by white space. An example of using the function could be: >>> firstN(10) 0 1 2 3 …

Total answers: 2

Python, Removing New Line in List

Python, Removing New Line in List Question: I have the following Codesample: Codesample: import string import fileinput Path = ‘/Volumes/test_copy.txt’ #/I filename = Path with open(filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() mylists = [item + "ENDTOKEN" + for item in lines] mylists2 = ["STARTTOKEN" + item + "ENDTOKEN" + for item in lines] #/O print(mylists) …

Total answers: 1