
How do I implement a null coalescing operator in SQLAlchemy?

How do I implement a null coalescing operator in SQLAlchemy? Question: Or how do I make this thing work? I have an Interval object: class Interval(Base): __tablename__ = ‘intervals’ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) start = Column(DateTime) end = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(‘’)) @hybrid_property #used to just be @property def hours_spent(self): end = self.end …

Total answers: 4

Is there a Python equivalent of the C# null-coalescing operator?

Is there a Python equivalent of the C# null-coalescing operator? Question: In C# there’s a null-coalescing operator (written as ??) that allows for easy (short) null checking during assignment: string s = null; var other = s ?? “some default value”; Is there a python equivalent? I know that I can do: s = None …

Total answers: 11