
How to convert the distance between object and camera from pixel for meter?

How to convert the distance between object and camera from pixel for meter? Question: I need to convert the distance between object and camera from pixels to meter/cm frame by frame and then calculate the speed of moving object. In the first frame, the distance of object from camera is 4 meter, and Focal length …

Total answers: 2

opencv dnn disable detecting coco dataset for some categories and enable for others

opencv dnn disable detecting coco dataset for some categories and enable for others Question: I am using the code in this repository https://github.com/salar-dev/python-object-detection-opencv but I want to disable detecting the coco dataset for some categories and enable it for others I tryed to delete some of the ssd_mobilenet nodes but the program stopped Asked By: …

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YOLOv8 get predicted class name

YOLOv8 get predicted class name Question: I just want to get class data in my python script like: person, car, truck, dog but my output more than this. Also I can not use results as a string. Python script: from ultralytics import YOLO model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt") results = model.predict(source="0") Output: 0: 480×640 1 person, 1 …

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How can I improve my dataset for increased mAP in yolov4 object detection framework

How can I improve my dataset for increased mAP in yolov4 object detection framework Question: I want to use Yolov4 object detector to detect LED matrices like the one in the attached picture. The goal of my project is to perform automated RoI of these types of LED matrices in vehicular scenarios, mainly. Unfortunately, these …

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How to remove an object from the trained model in .pb format?

How to remove an object from the trained model in .pb format? Question: Iam training tello drone to detecting the cars, so I use this code here: https://github.com/Shreyas-dotcom/Tello_Obj_Recognition, but the code contain others objects names such as bike. So my question is: How can I remove others objects from the trained model. Asked By: Shalaw …

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Getting curl-L invalid syntax when running on jupyter notebook

Getting curl-L invalid syntax when running on jupyter notebook Question: I’m trying to create a object detection module using YOLO V5 following this tutorial YT Link In this they have used google colab but I want to create it on jupyter note book. I get the above error when trying to get the data set …

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What does it really mean real time object detection?

What does it really mean real time object detection? Question: So here is the context. I created an script in python, YOLOv4, OpenCV, CUDA and CUDNN, for object detection and object tracking to count the objects in a video. I intend to use it in real time, but what real time really means? The video …

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Using custom yolov7 trained model on my screen

Using custom yolov7 trained model on my screen Question: What I know I have already trained a custom model using yolov7-tiny I am now trying to use it for object detection on screen The script I have: import mss import numpy as np import cv2 import time import keyboard import torch from hubconf import custom …

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detect and count the number of star symbol in opencv-python

detect and count the number of star symbol in opencv-python Question: I need to count the occurrence of the stars at the right bottom corner in the image, I read this article Template Matching and used the following code to find the stars but My code doesn’t work for detecting the stars in the image. …

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