
How to find model no. in an image generated by OCR?

How to find model no. in an image generated by OCR? Question: (Examples are changed but the idea is the same) I’m trying find a SRD Model No. on a product label from a live camera feed. Here’s a label example: The conditions are: Different generations of the product have different structures of the information …

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How to use tessedit_write_images with pytesseract?

How to use tessedit_write_images with pytesseract? Question: I’m using pytesseract 0.3.10 with tesseract 5.3.0. I want to take a look at how tesseract processed my images. I tried setting tessedit_write_images to true via: import pytesseract as pt pt.image_to_string(crop_img, lang=’eng+deu+fra+spa’, config="–psm 6 -c tessedit_write_images=1") But this is not working. The tessinput.tif file is nowhere to be …

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How to get rows between two rows with specific text?

How to get rows between two rows with specific text? Question: I have this dataframe, I extracted this through and image using PyTesseract. But it extracted all the irrelevant data like signatures and stamps. I only want data from ‘ASSETS’ row to ‘Total Liablities’ Row. I tried bs = bs[(bs[‘Purticulars’] == ‘ASSETS’) & (df[‘Purticulars’] == …

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python text parsing to split list into chunks including preceding delimiters

python text parsing to split list into chunks including preceding delimiters Question: What I Have After OCR’ing some public Q&A deposition pdfs which have a Q&A form, I have raw text like the following: text = """nannQ So I do first want to bring up exhibit No. 46, which is in the binder in front …

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OCR PDF image to Excel by template

OCR PDF image to Excel by template Question: I need to convert a lot PDF tables data scans with bad quality to excel tables. The only way I see the solution is to train tesseract or some other framework on pre-generated images(all tables in PDF are the same in most cases). Is it real to …

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Opencv Error while sending png images through pytesseract

Opencv Error while sending png images through pytesseract Question: I am using pytesseract for ocr and it works fine for jpg,jpeg and some png files but crashes on selected png files which are mobile screenshots Here is my code: img = cv2.imread(‘test.png’,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) custom_config = r’–oem 3 –psm 6′ data=pytesseract.image_to_string(img, config=custom_config) print(data) The error generated is: …

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I would like to download all images from this archive, what should i add to my code?

I would like to download all images from this archive, what should i add to my code? Question: https://permalink.geldersarchief.nl/8A0A3B746F8147888ADF8FCA559F119B this archive has 500 images i want to download and perform OCR on. I have already found this code online that downloads some images, but it doesn’t find the 500 images of the book that i …

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Python group items in list after keyword including keyword

Python group items in list after keyword including keyword Question: I OCR read multiple images (photos of pages) which need to be grouped into logical units (chapters). I have individual page txt documents and a txt document of all the OCR’d text from all pages. I need to split the text into seperate chapters and …

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KeyError: 'PNG' while using pytesseract.image_to_data

KeyError: 'PNG' while using pytesseract.image_to_data Question: I tried to put boxes in an image file around the texts in it, using pytesseract function image_to_data, but encounters the following error on colab: KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-10-a92a28892aac> in <module>() 6 img = cv2.imread("a.jpg") 7 —-> 8 d = pytesseract.image_to_data(img, output_type=Output.DICT) 9 print(d.keys()) 5 frames …

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