
Remove the "RE:" when replying to emails using Python

Remove the "RE:" when replying to emails using Python Question: I am using python to automate some outlook email replies and I need to remove the "RE:" from the subject when using the email.ReplyAll(), I tried to do email.Subject = subject before replying but it still adds the "RE:". FYI, I do not intend to …

Total answers: 1

How to trigger Python script when sending an Outlook email?

How to trigger Python script when sending an Outlook email? Question: I would like to trigger a Python script when I send an email through Outlook. So far I have only seen solutions to trigger a Python script when an email is received but not when sending an email. Asked By: ronmakh || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 2

Why is this throwing an exception when I try to save the attachment from Outlook?

Why is this throwing an exception when I try to save the attachment from Outlook? Question: I am trying to iterate through the contents of a subfolder, and if the message contains an .xlsx attachment, download the attachment to a local directory. I have confirmed all other parts of this program work until that line, …

Total answers: 1

How to programatic filter global address list in outlook with Python?

How to programatic filter global address list in outlook with Python? Question: I found a way to query all global address in outlook with python, import win32com.client import csv from datetime import datetime # Outlook outApp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Outlook.Application") outGAL = outApp.Session.GetGlobalAddressList() entries = outGAL.AddressEntries # Create a dateID date_id = (‘%Y%m%d’) # Create empty list …

Total answers: 2