
How can I export all data to an Excel file using openpyxl?

How can I export all data to an Excel file using openpyxl? Question: I am trying to write all the data inputted by my user to an Excel file, with each new entry being entered underneath the most recent one. It should do this in my GUI once I click submit. I managed to get …

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cannot import name 'save_virtual_workbook' from 'openpyxl.writer.excel'

cannot import name 'save_virtual_workbook' from 'openpyxl.writer.excel' Question: Is there an update to the library? Before it worked perfectly, and today I updated and it no longer loads I searched but I can’t find any other option Asked By: francisco solis || Source Answers: I solve this issue by installing an older version 3.0.10 pip install …

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How to set a fixed width of several columns in sheet by openpyxl?

How to set a fixed width of several columns in sheet by openpyxl? Question: I would like to create a for loop for columns from B to AG for which it will do the width = 3 in xlsx file. I am using openpyxl library. Is there any method to get the index of letters …

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How to get data from excel file 'as is' using openpyxl?

How to get data from excel file 'as is' using openpyxl? Question: I have an excel file – the data in which looks like. [ ("a", 4, 4,2, 5,32), ("b", 6, 7,2, 7,32), ("c", 6, 7,2, None) ] I want to get float values ​​of cells – in which separator is comma. But when accessing …

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How to create multi line cells in xlsx with openpyxl?

How to create multi line cells in xlsx with openpyxl? Question: I have the following data: test.json file { "entries": [ { "attributes": { "sAMAccountName": "wonder-woman", "memberOf": [ "woman", "dc-comics", "justice-league", "human" ] }, "dn": "CN=Diana Troy,OU=Users,OU=DC-COMICS,DC=universum,DC=local" } ] } excl.json file { "sAMAccountName": [ "ironman" ], "dnsHostName": [ "dell" ] } I am trying …

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parse xlsx file having merged cells using python or pyspark

parse xlsx file having merged cells using python or pyspark Question: I want to parse an xlsx file. Some of the cells in the file are merged and working as a header for the underneath values. But do not know what approach I should select to parse the file. Shall I parse the file from …

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How to sorted data in xlsx column by openpyxl?

How to sorted data in xlsx column by openpyxl? Question: I would like to save sorted data from A to Z by column C in my Excel file. My code: ### EXCEL # Set column names A = ‘SURNAME’ B = ‘NAME’ C = ‘sAMAccountName’ # Set worksheet wb = Workbook() # create excel worksheet …

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Looping through rows based on column values

Looping through rows based on column values Question: Trying to loop through a report and eliminate/hide/replace cell values if they are repeated in the row above. This is conditional to certain columns in the row but not the entire row as each row will contain at least 1 piece of data that is unique to …

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