
Is there a way to include shell scripts in a Python package with pyproject?

Is there a way to include shell scripts in a Python package with pyproject? Question: Previously with you could just add setuptools.setup( … scripts=[ "scripts/" ] ) and the shell script was just copied to the path of the environment. But with the new pyproject scpecification, this seems to not be possible any more. …

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Get Path to Python File Before Installation

Get Path to Python File Before Installation Question: I have a project that includes c++ binaries and python scripts, it’s setup such that it should be installed using setuptools. One of the python files is intended to be both used as a script " python3 params and for it’s primary function to be used …

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Kivy-Buildozer Android Packaging not working ('buildozer' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.)

Kivy-Buildozer Android Packaging not working ('buildozer' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.) Question: I did not find any solutions for this on the internet. I am trying to create the Android apk file from my Kivy-Python file on Windows 10. I followed the standard documentation (e.g. this …

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"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivymd'" in .spec file

"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivymd'" in .spec file Question: I already did pip install kivymd in my Python project. I also had the kivymd directory in my project. I’m working with a Mac. I created a spec file called "coinsnack4.spec" including the code below: from kivymd import hooks_path as kivymd_hooks_path However, when I try to …

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How to ensure the MSVC++ Redistributable is available on user's system?

How to ensure the MSVC++ Redistributable is available on user's system? Question: I wrote a Python library in C++14. Since users often do not have a C++ compiler installed, I create wheels for Linux, Windows and macOS and upload those to PyPI. While this works fine for Linux and macOS, on Windows it is required …

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Aur package Showing Permission denied

Aur package Showing Permission denied Question: I’m making an AUR package for arch linux and i have made the PKGBUILD file with reference through various YouTube videos and Blog post and Official AUR packaging documentation all I want is to move the python scripts to the /usr/bin/ directory but its throwing error of permission denied. …

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What is "where" argument for in setuptools.find_packages?

What is "where" argument for in setuptools.find_packages? Question: working on a python project, I tried to separate source code and unit tests; here is the project structure: MyProject/ source/ __init.py__ my_project/ __init.py__ test/ __init.py__ my_project/ __init.py__ And here is the file: from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name=’my_project’, packages=find_packages(where=’./source’), …

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How to write to include a Git repository as a dependency

How to write to include a Git repository as a dependency Question: I am trying to write for my package. My package needs to specify a dependency on another Git repository. This is what I have so far: from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name=’abc’, packages=find_packages(), url=’’, description=’This is a description for abc’, …

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Python packaging: wheels vs tarball (tar.gz)

Python packaging: wheels vs tarball (tar.gz) Question: The advantage of wheels over eggs is clear (see section why not egg? However, it is not entirely clear to me what is the advantage of using wheels over tar.gz. I might be missing something obvious like “they are the same”. As I see it both can …

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How can I include package_data without a file?

How can I include package_data without a file? Question: How can I include package_data for sdist without a file? My looks like this: import setuptools setuptools.setup( name=’foo’, version=’2015.3′, license=’commercial’, packages=setuptools.find_packages(), package_data={”: [‘foo/bar.txt’]}, ) Versions: user@host> python Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) >>> import setuptools >>> setuptools.version.__version__ ‘3.6’ I just can’t …

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