
Paramiko sftp connections throws "authentication failed"

Paramiko SFTPClient class throws "Authentication failed", but Transport class and WinSCP work Question: I have an issue using Paramiko and connecting to an SFTP server. The connecting work fine using same credentials in WinSCP. I am also able to use pysftp. But I would prefer to be able to use Paramiko, which gives access to …

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Python OSError: Failure with SFTP

Python OSError: Failure with SFTP Question: I’m testing SFTP communication on a Windows 11 laptop with SFTP server running at localhost:3373. An sftp.get request generates an "OSError: Failure" error with this code: import pysftp remotepath = "C:/Users/Profile/sftpdata/remote/gimme.txt" localpath = "C:/Users/Profile/sftpdata/local/gimme.txt" cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None with pysftp.Connection(‘localhost’, port=3373, username=’admin’, password=’admin’, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp: sftp.get(remotepath, …

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How do I run multiple configuration commands in Dell EMC OS10 with Paramiko?

How do I run multiple configuration commands in Dell EMC OS10 with Paramiko? Question: I am trying to run a series of commands to configure a vlan on a Dell EMC OS10 server using Paramiko. However I am running into a rather frustrating problem. I want to run the following # configure terminal (config)# interface …

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Enter key works manually but not when sent via paramiko invoke_shell.sendall

Enter key works manually but not when sent via paramiko invoke_shell.sendall Question: I am looking for a way to login via SSH to a Cisco UCS server and execute few commands. I am able to login and execute several commands and get the output. But the one command that requires y and ENTER KEY doesn’t …

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Clone private github repo to launched EC2 instance

Clone private github repo to launched EC2 instance Question: I’m building a scrip that launches and connects to an EC2 instance. After all setup of the instance I have to copy my private repo to it, and then run it. The code works fine for public repo. Also if I manually launch an instance, connect …

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Paramiko does not return segmentation fault error

Paramiko does not return segmentation fault error Question: I am trying to make a simple fuzzer for segmentation faults. from pwn import * import paramiko import base64 #Setting Vars #C Program nameOfFileToExploit = "vuln" hostname = ‘’ port = 22 username = ‘kali’ password = ‘kali’ command = ‘ls’ context.update(arch=’i386′, os=’linux’) # Connect to the …

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export attempt in mikrotik with python

export attempt in mikrotik with python Question: I am trying to export some files to my local pc with python, i tried several alternatives and i got several errors, but i got stuck on this error, couldn’t find the cause, does anyone have any ideas? I was seeing that it is entered by tftp, but …

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paramiko ssh connect to windows server 2012 openSSH

Executing command using Paramiko SSH returns hex-encoded output Question: I try to write script to connect by SSH to Windows but answer is strange. Here is my script: import paramiko import codecs host = ‘*******’ user = ‘*****’ psw = ‘****’ port = 22 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=host, port=port, username=user, password=psw) stdin, stdout, stderr …

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Paramiko equivalent of OpenSSH ssh -J switch

Paramiko equivalent of OpenSSH ssh -J switch Question: I am trying to translate this ssh this command to Python using the paramiko library. sshpass -p SomePassword ssh -J specificSshHost [email protected] -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" Where specificSshHost points to this file in .ssh/config as follows Host specificSshHost User admin IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mySpecificRsaKey What I have so …

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