
Why is a pickled object with slots bigger than one without slots?

Why is a pickled object with slots bigger than one without slots? Question: I’m working on a program that keeps dying because of the OOM killer. I was hoping for some quick wins in reducing the memory usage without a major refactor. I tried adding __slots__ to the most common classes but I noticed the …

Total answers: 2

Get data from .pickle

Get data from .pickle Question: I have a model of Multinomial NB(): text_clf_NB = Pipeline([(‘vect’, CountVectorizer()), (‘tfidf’, TfidfTransformer()), (‘clf’, MultinomialNB()), ]) text_clf_NB.fit(Train_X_NB, Train_Y_NB) I save it to .pickle pickle.dump(text_clf_NB, open("NB_classification.pickle", "wb")) In another case I load this model: clf = pickle.load(open("NB_classification.pickle", "rb")) Can you help me, please, how can I get sparse matrix of Train …

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Error to load pickle file in Apache Airflow

Error to load pickle file in Apache Airflow Question: all! Could you please help me to load the serialization file in python to repoduce it in Airflow: My code: path = r’/Models/APP/model.pkl’ with open(path, ‘rb’) as f: g = pickle.load(f) def my_fucn(gg): return gg.predict([[30, 40, 50, 60]]) default_args = { ‘owner’: "timur", ‘retry_delay’: datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), } …

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List of pandas DataFrames: After pickle deserialization empty

List of pandas DataFrames: After pickle deserialization empty Question: I built a simple container class which holds a list of pd.DataFrames. I fill the list by a setter method and save this container class using pickle. Saving and loading works well if done right serial in one script. PROBLEM: Deserialization returns the list of dataframes …

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How to Inverse Transform a Predicted Output of a loaded pickle XGBoost model?

How to Inverse Transform a Predicted Output of a loaded pickle XGBoost model? Question: I am trying to run a program that could produce a predicted output using a loaded model (pickle file). The saved model (XGBoost) was trained to have its dataset to undergo transformation via StandardScaler before fitting it, and the predicted value …

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python – any function to access pickle causes FileNotFoundError

python – any function to access pickle causes FileNotFoundError Question: The error: > Traceback (most recent call last): > File ".scriptspickle_threed_future_dataset.py", line 127, in <module> > main(sys.argv[1:]) > File ".scriptspickle_threed_future_dataset.py", line 101, in main > scenes_dataset = ThreedFront.from_dataset_directory( > File "c:usersmibigdesktopatissscene_synthesisdatasetsthreed_front.py", line 169, in from_dataset_directory > scenes = parse_threed_front_scenes( > File "c:usersmibigdesktopatissscene_synthesisdatasetsutils.py", line 129, in …

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pickle and dill can't load objects with overridden __hash__ function (AttributeError)

pickle and dill can't load objects with overridden __hash__ function (AttributeError) Question: In the next few lines of code I’ll replicate on a smaller scale what’s happening with my program. Class A must store a dictionary with keys that have type A (values can be any type to replicate the error). class A: def __init__(self, …

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Large Numpy array causses Error when trying to load

Large Numpy array causses Error when trying to load Question: Edit : For those looking for answers, my file was corrupted hpauli suggested, knowing the shape the array should have, I opened the file using open(filenam) as append mode and appended 0 until there was a correct amount of data, then I split the files …

Total answers: 1