
Install python package on a specific folder instead of user level

Install python package on a specific folder instead of user level Question: So I am currently working on a DevOps task for a Python repository. I am tasked with making the repository work properly with our Docker environment. My current issue is that when running pip3 install, it installs everything in various folders that have …

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Problem installing a Python program from GitHub

Problem installing a Python program from GitHub Question: I am trying to install the MQTT simulator. I have python v3.3.10 installed in my computer. I followed this video between 1:48 and 5.43, so now I have a folder in my desktop called python_project, inside of which there is a folder called venv. I have downloaded …

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localstack 0.12.18 fails to install

localstack 0.12.18 fails to install Question: I am trying to install localstack 0.12.18 on a windows 10 Enterprise machine. I’m running Python 3.9.0 and pip 23.0.1. I have downloaded the .tar.gz file directly from pypi.org and installing it via: pip install C:UsersmeDownloadslocalstack-0.12.18.tar.gz –trusted-host pypi.org –trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org This is the output: pip install C:UsersmeDownloadslocalstack-0.12.18.tar.gz –trusted-host pypi.org …

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How to install diff version of a package (transformers) without internet in kaggle notebook w/o killing the kernel while keeping variables in memory?

How to install diff version of a package (transformers) without internet in kaggle notebook w/o killing the kernel while keeping variables in memory? Question: I have prepared an inference pipeline for a Kaggle competition and it has to be executed without internet connection. I’m trying to use different versions of transformers but I had some …

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Warning when install Python packages

Warning when install Python packages Question: The problem: I have problem when I put this command on Linux Terminal to install the Python packages pip install google-auth google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client WARNING: The scripts pyrsa-decrypt, pyrsa-encrypt, pyrsa-keygen, pyrsa-priv2pub, pyrsa-sign and pyrsa-verify are installed in ‘/home/kakashi/.local/bin’ which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH …

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pip install <.whl file> installs dist_info but doesn't actually install the package

pip install <.whl file> installs dist_info but doesn't actually install the package Question: I’m trying change my package over from using setup.py to using pyproject.toml and setup.cfg. My setup.cfg is roughly as follows: [metadata] name = our_name version = 0.1.1 author = me [options] install_requires = networkx >= 3.0 My code is all under src, …

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Scheduled python code can't find module when run in Docker

Scheduled python code can't find module when run in Docker Question: I’m trying to run a python script inside a Docker container every 2 minutes. To achieve this, I am using a cron job. When I run the Python script on the host machine, it executes perfectly, but inside the docker container I keep getting …

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Does pip provide a TOML parser for python 3.9?

Does pip provide a TOML parser for python 3.9? Question: I want to parse TOML files in python 3.9, and I am wondering if I can do so without installing another package. Since pip knows how to work with pyproject.toml files, and I already have pip installed, does pip provide a parser that I can …

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Cannot install scipy (1.9.1) on 32-bit Windows 10 using pip (ERROR: ResolutionImpossible)

Cannot install scipy (1.9.1) on 32-bit Windows 10 using pip (ERROR: ResolutionImpossible) Question: I’ve been installing python 3.10 packages on 32-bit Windows 10. I had no problems with numpy or pandas but cannot seem to install scipy. I’ve been researching on the matter and found out scipy version 1.9.1 seems to have 32-bit wheels available. …

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How to get latest version of not installed package using pip?

How to get latest version of not installed package using pip? Question: I want to know, for a package which is not installed in my virtual environment, what is the latest version available. For example, if I had to install requests library, I would want to know the version before installation. I considered pip search …

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