
analytical functions

analytical functions Question: good afternoon, a question, how can I optimize the code, I don’t know, maybe using oracle analytical functions : — tabledeuda : this table contains 2 months 202212 and 202211 SELECT B.*, NVL(B.DEUDAPRESTAMO_PAGPER,0)-NVL(A.DEUDAPRESTAMO_PAGPER,0) AS SALE_CT — current month – previous month FROM tabledeuda B LEFT JOIN tabledeuda A ON (A.CODLLAVE = B.CODLLAVE …

Total answers: 1

Freezing/hanging when executing Oracle DB PL/SQL procedure in Python

Freezing/hanging when executing Oracle DB PL/SQL procedure in Python Question: Hello I created a PLSQL procedure to update or insert quantity in inventory table based on product Id and new inward qty. Below is my PLSQL procedure and it works fine when i try in sql developer. But when i trying to execute this in …

Total answers: 1