
How to substitute values in matrix operation without solving?

How to substitute values in matrix operation without solving? Question: Literally what it says in the title. Let’s pretend the operation is addition of matrices. from sympy import Matrix, latex A = Matrix([[-7, 0], [4, 0]]) B = Matrix([[2, 0], [-3, -3]]) print( (A+B).a_method_that_evaluates_but_does_not_solve() ) I would like to get the following output. [[-7 + …

Total answers: 2

how i print more than list horizontal in python

how i print more than list horizontal in python Question: I want to print more than one list next to each other, separated by a space, and at the end n I have tried for x in range(0,len(a)): print( a[x] b[x] c[x] Fa[x] Fb[x] Fc[x] ) and print(*a *b *c *Fa *Fb *Fc, sep = …

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Change name of sg.Print window in PySimpleGUI

Change name of sg.Print window in PySimpleGUI Question: At the beginning of my python code I have print = sg.Print . So whenever print is used, it prints to a Window called Debug Window. According to documentation, I can close the window with sg.PrintClose() and that works, but I can’t change or set the name …

Total answers: 1

python vending machine program-

python vending machine program- Question: The program allows the user to enter money and select an item that outputs the price. Towards the end, the if statements, if purchase_choice == 1: print("************ The item costs $1.00 ************") and the following statements after that one, is not printing in the output. Can someone help me? Here’s …

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How to print one character at a time but maintain print function — Python

How to print one character at a time but maintain print function — Python Question: I am developing a text-based game on Python and I wanted to have the effect where letters appear one at a time. It has to be a function because I wanted the effect to apply to almost all printed strings. …

Total answers: 3

Print full pandas index in Jupyter Notebook

Print full pandas index in Jupyter Notebook Question: I have a pandas index with 380 elements and want to print the full index in Jupyter Notebook. I googled already but everything I’ve found did not help. For example this does not work: with pd.option_context(‘display.max_rows’, None, ‘display.max_columns’, None): print(my_index) Neither this works: with np.printoptions(threshold=np.inf): print(my_index.array) In …

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Python: How do I print a float with a configurable number of decimals

Python: How do I print a float with a configurable number of decimals Question: I want to print some numbers and easily configure how many decimals are displayed. How do I turn something like this: import numpy as np x, y, z, s = np.random.random(4) str_out = ‘[%0.4f,t%0.4f,t%0.4f,t%0.4f]’ % (x, y, z, s) print(str_out) and …

Total answers: 3

What's wrong in this print's formatting? Why is it not alligned?

What's wrong in this print's formatting? Why is it not aligned? Question: While trying to solve an exercise, I tried to make the final print’s exhibition a bit better by using tab (t) inside the line. I tried it in another stance and it made the final result look like a table. Should I ditch …

Total answers: 2

Improve print readability of nested Frozenset

Improve print readability of nested Frozenset Question: The output of the code example below has terrible readability. The data I’d like to analyse is hidden within numerous frozenset({}) prints. A = frozenset(["A1", "A2"]) B = frozenset(["B1", "B2"]) C = frozenset(["C1", "C2"]) foo = {A, B, C} print(foo) # {frozenset({‘B1’, ‘B2’}), frozenset({‘C1’, ‘C2’}), frozenset({‘A1’, ‘A2’})} print(*foo) …

Total answers: 1