
Add a popup dailog in fullscreen app in python prompt_toolkit

Add a popup dailog in fullscreen app in python prompt_toolkit Question: I am creating a terminal chat application, where I have a UI with prompt_toolkit. There In message box i added some commands to perform some action. To create the Dashboard I used prompt_toolkit.Application And apply my functionalaty on top of this. class Dashboard(Application): """Implemented …

Total answers: 1

How do you add pageup/pagedown keybindings to TextArea in python-prompt-toolkit?

How do you add pageup/pagedown keybindings to TextArea in python-prompt-toolkit? Question: Let’s use for example. To add a scrollbar that works with the mouse wheel, you would change: output_field = TextArea(style="class:output-field", text=help_text) to: output_field = TextArea(style="class:output-field", text=help_text, scrollbar=True) But what would you add or change to scroll the TextArea with the page up and …

Total answers: 1