
PyInstaller Tree Cannot find the path specified

PyInstaller Tree Cannot find the path specified Question: I want to include a folder and its contents within pyinstaller. I have a folder named ‘etc’ and it has a file named sbom.json. I am following the post mentioned tree, but I keep getting an error saying The system cannot find the path specified: ‘..\etc when …

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How to get the correct path to a json file from the customtkinter module

How to get the correct path to a json file from the customtkinter module Question: I made my GUI using customtkinter. I used auto-py-to-exe to make it an file. The exe file doesn’t open because of an theme json file missing error. The path to the correct file is /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/customtkinter/assets/themes/blue.json. It caused this error when …

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python access /Library on macos

python access /Library on macos Question: I am trying to write an install file to the /Library folder if the user doesn’t have it. I can run the code in "sudo python …" and it works. However using pyinstaller and creating a packaged app gives me an Error 13 permission denied. [Errno 13] Permission denied: …

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tkinter messagebox without console

tkinter messagebox without console Question: Facing a problem when converting my .py file to .exe using pyinstaller –noconsole, the messagebox won’t work in exe file except if I created it without using –noconsole or –windowed. I have tried to not use –noconsole and use .pyw file instead but this won’t make the the console hidden …

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What is a .pyci file when compiling executables using pyinstaller?

What is a .pyci file when compiling executables using pyinstaller? Question: I am trying to package a python application using PyInstaller. I used the following command: pyinstaller –noconfirm –onedir –windowed –icon "D:/Development/nikke-assistant/images/nikke_icon.ico" –add-data "C:/Program Files/Tesseract-OCR;Tesseract-OCR/" –hidden-import "skimage" –paths "C:/Windows/System32/downlevel" –hidden-import "easyocr" –collect-all "easyocr" –collect-all "scikit-image" –runtime-hook "D:/Development/nikke-assistant/" "D:/Development/nikke-assistant/" When running the executable, I run into …

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Pyinstaller comes with errors when importing module

Pyinstaller comes with errors when importing module Question: I am using Windows 11 for Python code development. I have a large Python program that uses the module. The program works fine when running it using Visual Studio Code or executing it in the console. However, when I create an EXE file using the …

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Can pyinstaller make a desktop file (with an icon) for an Ubuntu python app

Can pyinstaller make a desktop file (with an icon) for an Ubuntu python app Question: I’m building a python app which is to pack up as a single executable and work on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Have made a lot of progress and am using a workflow on Github to build using pyinstaller for each …

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Can't make executable file from eel app in python

Can't make executable file from eel app in python Question: When I try to create an executable with auto_py_to_exe it builds fine, but when I run it it throws an error: Failed to execute script ‘main’ due to unhandled exception: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘write’ Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, …

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easygui buttonbox crashes becase of default font from Tkinter

easygui buttonbox crashes becase of default font from Tkinter Question: I’m using easygui in a Python app and then generate an .exe with PyInstaller. Everything works fine in my computer, but my colleague get this weird error when they try to run the app : Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 95, in …

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