
ImportError: cannot import name 'download_url_to_file'

ImportError: cannot import name 'download_url_to_file' Question: I tried to run a Python script that uses the download_url_to_file method inside the torch hub, but I got the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in <module> import face_alignment File "$PROGRAMS_PATH$", line 7, in <module> File "$PROGRAMS_PATH$", line 7, in <module> File "$PROGRAMS_PATH$", …

Total answers: 2

Python 2.6:Trying to run an if statement if variable is a list

Python 2.6:Trying to run an if statement if variable is a list Question: I’m new to python and trying to complete an exercise where I print every variable from a list including any nested lists. My issue is I can’t get the nested lists to be recognised as lists by an if statement. When I …

Total answers: 1

Setting order in Dictionary

Setting order in Dictionary Question: I am a beginner in Python . dont know how can i set the order in Dictionary? . i searched and came to know it could be done through from collections import OrderedDict but don’t know how to use it. i am trying below mention code to compare two Dictionary …

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GzipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' when used in a "with:" block

GzipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' when used in a "with:" block Question: I need to process a .gz file with Python. I pass the filename into my Python script with: infile = sys.argv[1] with, ‘rb’) as f: logfile = which gives me: with, ‘rb’) as f: AttributeError: GzipFile instance has no …

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Anaconda Python with Python 2.6

Anaconda Python with Python 2.6 Question: I need to install Anaconda Python on Linux but it has to be Python 2.6 (due to a package dependency). The computer doesn’t have direct internet access although I can transfer files to it via another machine i.e. I can download X using another box and then transfer the …

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TypeError: 'dict' object does not support indexing

TypeError: 'dict' object does not support indexing Question: I’m working on this piece of code, python 2.6.6, old version because I will have to execute this script on linux servers(probably centOS 6, or Debian) with base repositories(stable) installed and no permission to install software that’s not on these repos. This snipped take care to select …

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How do I get Python's ElementTree to pretty print to an XML file?

How do I get Python's ElementTree to pretty print to an XML file? Question: Background I am using SQLite to access a database and retrieve the desired information. I’m using ElementTree in Python version 2.6 to create an XML file with that information. Code import sqlite3 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # NOTE: Omitted code where …

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Suppress InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made in Python2.6

Suppress InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made in Python2.6 Question: I am writing scripts in Python2.6 with use of pyVmomi and while using one of the connection methods: service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=args.ip, user=args.user, pwd=args.password) I get the following warning: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: …

Total answers: 15

Alternative to dict comprehension prior to Python 2.7

Alternative to dict comprehension prior to Python 2.7 Question: How can I make the following functionality compatible with versions of Python earlier than Python 2.7? gwfuncs = [reboot, flush_macs, flush_cache, new_gw, revert_gw, send_log] gw_func_dict = {chr(2**i): func for i, func in enumerate(gwfuncs[:8])} Asked By: stdcerr || Source Answers: Use: gw_func_dict = dict((chr(2**i), func) for i, …

Total answers: 1