
Activating venv and conda environment at the same time

Activating venv and conda environment at the same time Question: I am a beginner and was "playing around" with environments a bit. I came across a situation where it seemed that I had two environments activated: I create a directory, create an environment with venv, activate it and then also conda activate a conda environment …

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virtualenv not activated on windows 11

virtualenv not activated on windows 11 Question: Im using python 10 and windows-11 i try to activate venv with the following command .onlineShopScriptsactivate.bat I create venv using following command python -m venv onlineShop My pip list Package Version ———— ——- distlib 0.3.4 filelock 3.6.0 pip 22.0.4 platformdirs 2.5.2 pyaes 1.6.1 Pyrogram 2.0.17 PySocks 1.7.1 setuptools …

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Windows Python (<=3.10.2) fails to run `python -m venv .venv`

Windows Python (<=3.10.2) fails to run `python -m venv .venv` Question: This issue has been solved, resulted in a bug report to See the my self-answer below for the workaround until it’s fixed in a future release of Python One of my PCs got bitten by this bug which no longer allows me to …

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Setting Environment variables in .venv

Setting Environment variables in .venv Question: I am using .venv to create a virtual environment to use for a project. Within this project, I need to access the OpenAI GPT3 environment. For this, i have an API key, but I want to store it as an environment variable. Because I use windows and VS-Code to …

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How to use python virtual environments in VS Code jupyter notebooks integration?

How to use python virtual environments in VS Code jupyter notebooks integration? Question: I have created a virtual environment with venv as follows from VS Code integrated terminal: python3 -m venv <name> after cd in the directory, I activated it by doing source <name>/bin/activate How can I make it available for the kernel of my …

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Invalid Python interpreter selected for the project

Invalid Python interpreter selected for the project Question: I use Pycharm, and whenever I move a project to another folder, it says "invalid python interpreter selected for the project". I think it happens because the path to venv has changed. I tried Configure Python Interpreter > Add Interpreter > Select "Existing Environment" with the new …

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Conda env vs venv / pyenv / virtualenv / etc

Conda env vs venv / pyenv / virtualenv / etc Question: To add a question to the great question and discussion here on pyenv, venv, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper, could someone please explain how conda environments fit into this world? When are the preferred use cases for conda environments vs the other virtual environment options? Asked …

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creating python virtual env on Linux

creating python virtual env on Linux Question: I’m new to Linux environment where i need to create a virtual environment for my project. As this is a development machine i will not have access like i used to have in my own machine. I tried running the below commands : python3 -m venv env But …

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How to autoload venv/bin/activate in vscode on mac

How to autoload venv/bin/activate in vscode on mac Question: I have django project folder with venv environment. when opening vscode it has terminal opened in vscode. Is there a way that I don’t have to venv/bin/activate all the time when opening the project folder? Asked By: XJOJIX || Source Answers: Use the command palette to …

Total answers: 4