
"cannot import name 'EVENT_TYPE_OPENED' from '' "

"cannot import name 'EVENT_TYPE_OPENED' from '' " Question: I’m trying to make a REST api (begginer) but when i tried to initialize the server from this code: from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) if __name__==’__main__’:, port=4000) i get this error in the prompt: from import EVENT_TYPE_OPENED ImportError: cannot import name ‘EVENT_TYPE_OPENED’ from …

Total answers: 3

Use Systemd Watchdog with python. Muliprocessing

Use Systemd Watchdog with python. Muliprocessing Question: How to reset Systemd Watchdog using Python? I’m implementing a watchdog for a multi-threaded picture detection software with many dependencies. Previously, the service started a shell script, but now it starts the Python file directly. However, the watchdog implementation is not functioning correctly. Is there a more effective …

Total answers: 1

New class or new .py Python

New class or new .py Python Question: I’m writing a Python script to check if a file is added to a folder with watchdog, that file is going to be added to a queue. My idea is to add the filename to a txt, then either run a new class that watches the txt and …

Total answers: 2

Calling one method from another within same class in Python

Calling one method from another within same class in Python Question: I am very new to python. I was trying to pass value from one method to another within the class. I searched about the issue but i could not get proper solution. Because in my code, “if” is calling class’s method “on_any_event” that in …

Total answers: 1