
pip install <.whl file> installs dist_info but doesn't actually install the package

pip install <.whl file> installs dist_info but doesn't actually install the package Question: I’m trying change my package over from using to using pyproject.toml and setup.cfg. My setup.cfg is roughly as follows: [metadata] name = our_name version = 0.1.1 author = me [options] install_requires = networkx >= 3.0 My code is all under src, …

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How to resolve, Import "pqcrypto" could not be resolved?

How to resolve, Import "pqcrypto" could not be resolved? Question: I am trying to use the pqcrypto library but can not resolve the issue: Import "pqcrypto" could not be resolved Pylance (reportMissingImports) I am using python 3.10.6 on a ubuntu 22.4 virtual machine (virtual box). Pip version 23.0.1. Initially I could not pip install this …

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How to force a platform wheel using build and pyproject.toml?

How to force a platform wheel using build and pyproject.toml? Question: I am trying to force a Python3 non-universal wheel I’m building to be a platform wheel, despite not having any native build steps that happen during the distribution-packaging process. The wheel will include an OS-specific shared library, but that library is built and copied …

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Cartopy python Package (PEP 517) wheel building

Cartopy python Package (PEP 517) wheel building Question: I am trying to make a program with tropycal but it shows a wheel building error for a package dependency. Called Cartopy. Pip3 Error: ERROR: Could not build wheels for cartopy which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly. I tried a solution from another StackOverflow …

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How do I include and install test files in a wheel and deploy to Databricks

How do I include and install test files in a wheel and deploy to Databricks Question: I’m developing some code that runs on Databricks. Given that Databricks can’t be run locally, I need to run unit tests on a Databricks cluster. Problem is when I install the wheel that contains my files, test files are …

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how to download and install wxPython wheel from github for Python 3.10 to overcome disutils and setuptools problem

how to download and install wxPython wheel from github for Python 3.10 to overcome disutils and setuptools problem Question: Python 3.10 has a problem with disutils and setuptools>=58 in that wxPython will not run in conjunction with packages Gooey/DEAP/NEMO. I have been told there is a wxPython wheel which gets round those problems but …

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Pip cannot install wxPython for Python 3.10 (32-bit)

Pip cannot install wxPython for Python 3.10 (32-bit) Question: I have installed two frameworks of Python 3.10. There is wxPython310 for 64-bit Python. But there aren’t any wxPython for 32-bit Python. I tried to install wxPython with, but it shows me the error code like this. Running install for wxPython … error error: …

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AnalysisException: Path does not exist: dbfs:/databricks/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sampleFolder/data;

AnalysisException: Path does not exist: dbfs:/databricks/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sampleFolder/data; Question: I am packing the following code in a whl file: from pkg_resources import resource_filename def path_to_model(anomaly_dir_name: str, data_path: str): filepath = resource_filename(anomaly_dir_name, data_path) return filepath def read_data(spark) -> DataFrame: return ("sampleFolder", "data")))) I confirmed that the whl file contains the parquet files under sampleFolder/data/ directory correctly. When i …

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How to ensure the MSVC++ Redistributable is available on user's system?

How to ensure the MSVC++ Redistributable is available on user's system? Question: I wrote a Python library in C++14. Since users often do not have a C++ compiler installed, I create wheels for Linux, Windows and macOS and upload those to PyPI. While this works fine for Linux and macOS, on Windows it is required …

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How to get pip to tell me why it doesn't match PyPI binary wheels?

How to get pip to tell me why it doesn't match PyPI binary wheels? Question: I’m building my own install of Python, then using pip to install some packages into it. I want to use the pre-built binary wheels for packages like Cryptography. Python 2.7.15 / 2.7.16 Pip 19.0.3 Setuptools 40.8.0 On GNU/Linux is just …

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