
How to calculate current time in different timezone correctly in Python

How to calculate current time in different timezone correctly in Python Question: I was trying to calculate the current time in NYC (EST time aka Eastern Daylight time or GMT+4) given current time in Israel (Israel daylight time, currently GMT+3) where I’m currently located. So right now Israel is 7 hrs ahead of NYC, but …

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Conflicting localized datetime object for same timezone

Conflicting localized datetime object for same timezone Question: I am getting two different time offset using US/Eastern pytz timezone. >>> from pytz import timezone import datetime tz = timezone(‘US/Eastern’) >>> tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 1, 21, 1, 0)) 2021-11-01 21:01:00-04:00 >>> tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 1, 21, 1, 0)) 2020-11-01 21:01:00-05:00 Why am I getting different time offsets for …

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Why is python's datetime conversion wrong in one direction?

Why is python's datetime conversion wrong in one direction? Question: I am trying to convert a timezone aware datetime.datetime object to UTC and make it naive. For the conversion, I use the following code: from datetime import datetime import pytz dt: datetime = datetime(2023, 1, 2, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Europe/Amsterdam")) print(pytz.timezone("Europe/Amsterdam").utcoffset( print(dt) print(dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone("UTC"))) This outputs …

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How to get time in '2022-12-01T09:13:45Z' this format?

How to get time in '2022-12-01T09:13:45Z' this format? Question: from datetime import datetime import pytz # local datetime to ISO Datetime iso_date = print(‘ISO Datetime:’, iso_date) This doesn’t give me the required format i want 2022-05-18T13:43:13 I wanted to get the time like ‘2022-12-01T09:13:45Z’ Asked By: Praveen Kumar || Source Answers: You can use …

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Vectorised Timezone Identifier

Vectorised Timezone Identifier Question: I’m trying to create a vectorised implementation of the following function, as currently using pandas apply with my dataframe takes too long, but coming unstuck. Can anyone help? """ Returns GMT if date is between clock changes in winter, and BST if date is between clock changes in summer """ import …

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Convert Local time to UTC before 1970

Convert Local time to UTC before 1970 Question: I’m trying to get UTC times for dates before 1970 but tz and tzinfo in Python only contain timezone databases for dates post-1970. If I’m trying to find the UTC time for a date before 1970, say, Bill Clinton’s birthday: August 16, 1946 8:51AM Hope, AK datetime …

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Two python datetime objects having the same timezone information are printed differently

Two python datetime objects having the same timezone information are printed differently Question: I’d like to convert timezone of a Python’s datetime object, from US/Eastern to UTC. What I did was first making datetime object of US/Eastern timezone, converting it to UTC timezone, and converting it back to the US/Eastern timezone. It is expected the …

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How can I force pytz to use currently standard timezones?

How can I force pytz to use currently standard timezones? Question: Consider the following: from datetime import datetime import pytz new_years_in_new_york = datetime( year=2020, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, tzinfo = pytz.timezone(‘US/Eastern’)) I now I have a datetime object representing January 1, midnight, in New York. Oddly, if I use pytz to convert this to UTC, …

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python timezone problem with the same timezone

python timezone problem with the same timezone Question: Why I get different result timezone in the one file with the almost same datetime constructions? print(‘Europe/Moscow’))) >>> 2020-05-31 12:55:04.778210+03:00 print(datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 31, 12, 54, 0, 0, pytz.timezone(‘Europe/Moscow’))) >>> 2020-05-31 12:54:00+02:30 Asked By: Real Lord || Source Answers: the problem lies within the fact that pytz uses …

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How to convert a localized timestamp to UTC using Python?

How to convert a localized timestamp to UTC using Python? Question: I need to convert a “localized” timestamp in an arbitrary timezone to a unix timestamp (in UTC). >>> import pytz # This represents 2019-09-11T16:14:00 (US/Central) or 2019-09-11T21:14:00 UTC! >>> local_timestamp = 1568218440 >>> tz = pytz.timezone(“US/Central”) >>> my_unix_timestamp = unix_timestamp(local_timestamp, tz) >>> print(my_unix_timestamp) 1568236440 …

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