
Error pushing a large commit (containing PySide6 package) to GitHub

Error pushing a large commit (containing PySide6 package) to GitHub Question: I have a PySide6 project that I am currently working on it, when I tried to add a source control to the project, I realized that the PySide6 package is too large (+450 MB) to be pushed to GitHub. The error: File .venv/Lib/site-packages/PySide6/Qt6WebEngineCore.dll is …

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Pyside6 get index of dynamically created widget

Pyside6 get index of dynamically created widget Question: I’ve written this simple script(for concept understanding) to better understand how to handle/manage dynamically created combo boxes. So in this example, we have a total of 5 dynamically created combo boxes, each containing a list of 3 variables. When selecting any variable the function comboFunction is run. …

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Print out array in table widget

Print out array in table widget Question: How to print out 1d array in table widget? I have array Sum_main(float data) and table table_Sum. Table has 1 col and 5 rows. I tried this: item=self.ui.table_Sum(str(Sum_main)) for row in range(5): self.ui.table_Sum.setItem(row, 0, self.ui.table_Sum.item(str(Sum_main[row][0]))) But get error: TypeError: ‘QTableWidget’ object is not callable. I have textEdit but …

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Linking actions to menu bar in PyQt from Qt Designer

Linking actions to menu bar in PyQt from Qt Designer Question: I’m new to QT Designer and PyQt, but I seem to be trying to do something either too simple to be mentioned or too rare! I created a simple window using QT Designer. In that window there is two menu options; one should close …

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How to write cellClicked for QT Table Widget in Python

How to write cellClicked for QT Table Widget in Python Question: How can I clicked on a Tablewidget to get the row/column informations? If I start my GUI it crash. The line self.tableView_movies.cellClicked(self.func_test) made the Error, what shall I change? class Ui_MainWindow(object): # Variables movie_results = [] def setupUi(self, MyResultWindow): MyResultWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MyResultWindow.resize(800, 616) self.centralwidget = …

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Multithreading with pyqt5

Multithreading with pyqt5 Question: I am creating an app "pdf text to speech" and it works fine. When I press "convert" I want this group box to run in a separate thread displaying the progress (the progress bar is inside a group box) and the current page. How can I do this? This is the …

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Center items within a container

Center items within a container Question: Lately I’m using Qt Designer to build a user interface, And I’m trying to center items (horizontally) in their parent container. I tried to do it using Grid Layout, I also tried adding Spacers on both sides of each item, But it didn’t work. How do you do that? …

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PySide6 – Qt Designer ui object has no attribute 'load_pages'

PySide6 – Qt Designer ui object has no attribute 'load_pages' Question: I’m trying to create a GUI with Qt Creator and PySide6. I got help from a friend, and the code works on his project, but when used in mine it doesn’t work, and I can’t figure out why. I can already tell it’s something …

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how to create show password button QTdesigner

how to create show password button QTdesigner Question: how could i create a button that shows password in qtdesigner and python? Asked By: Vitor || Source Answers: Connect your button to a slot like this one: @pyqtSlot() def toggle_password_hint(self): if self.<yourQLineEdit>.echoMode() == QLineEdit.EchoMode.Normal: self.<yourQLineEdit>.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.EchoMode.Password) else: self.<yourQLineEdit>.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.EchoMode.Normal) Answered By: ניר

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NameError: Error evaluating `PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__`: name 'PySide6' is not defined

NameError: Error evaluating `PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__`: name 'PySide6' is not defined Question: I am trying to run the main.py which has the following code : import os import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton from PySide6 import * ######################################################################## # IMPORT GUI FILE from ui_Dashboard_Finance import * ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # IMPORT Custom widgets from Custom_Widgets.Widgets import …

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