
The function for tensor value generates this Error: 'false_fn' must be callable

The function for tensor value generates this Error: 'false_fn' must be callable Question: I am creating a function that takes a tensor value and returns the result by applying the following formulation, There are 3 conditions so I am using @tf.functions. def Spa(x): x= tf.convert_to_tensor(float(x), dtype=tf.float32) p= tf.convert_to_tensor(float(0.05), dtype=tf.float32) p_dash=x K = p*logp_dash Ku=K.sum(Ku) Ku= …

Total answers: 2

Assigning functional relu to a variable while inplace parameter is True

Assigning functional relu to a variable while inplace parameter is True Question: If I want to do ReLU operation after my convolution on x, and in my code I do: x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True) Is this code wrong since I assign the relu to x variable while inplace is True? Ie. does it mean …

Total answers: 1

Setting ReLU inplace to 'False'

Setting ReLU inplace to 'False' Question: Below I have written code which accepts a pretrained model as argument (vgg, resnet, densenet etc) and returns the model with ReLU state as ‘False’. It is written after testing many different specific architectures. I would like to re-write it in a more compact way as this does not …

Total answers: 1

matplotlib does not plot zeroes

matplotlib does not plot zeroes Question: Currently I am trying to plot a simple Relu function using matplotlib. My problem is that when plotting, matplotlib ignores the zeroes and does not plot them. Heres my functions def relu(t): t[t <= 0] = 0 return t def relu_plot(): t = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.1) k = np.zeros(40) …

Total answers: 1