
I am a beginner Python learner and Im trying to do a question game

I am a beginner Python learner and Im trying to do a question game Question: import math import time input = input("What is your name: ") print(f"So, I understand you name is {input}") time.sleep(.5) print("Let’s start") print("Would you like to do a Question game or a Truth or False?") startquestion = int(input("type 1 for Questions …

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Why is predict_on_batch is repeating the first output over and over?

Why is predict_on_batch is repeating the first output over and over? Question: I honestly don’t know how to describe my problem. Basically, it only uses the first values in my tables and repeats it over and over for the rest of the values in the table. Like I said, just look at the output. Here’s …

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Defining the argument number in, sending a picture

Defining the argument number in, sending a picture Question: The problem is on the 10th line, (don’t mind the 9th) I want the discord bot to send back a message with arguments like this …/arg1/arg1.arg2.png after they send in the command !maps arg1 arg2 @bot.command(brief="test") async def maps(ctx, *args): if not args: await"Nenapsal …

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How to keep an input to represent a variable instead of a str by default

How to keep an input to represent a variable instead of a str by default Question: I’m a beginner in python, and I’m trying to make a program that can refer to a single dictionary out of a couple of dictionaries, and then access its contents. Like this: dict1 = {‘Joe’:’three’, ‘Bob’:’nine’} dict2 = {‘Jill’:’apple’, …

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How do I fix pygame.error: video system not initialized in replit

How do I fix pygame.error: video system not initialized in replit Question: I’m playing around with Pygame, and when I clicked Run for the first time, Pygame gives me the error pygame.error: video system not initialized How do I fix this? The code I have at the moment is import pygame pygame.init() white = (255, …

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I am coding an app with kivy in replit python, however, I have an issue with my code; it says that it is unable to find any valuable window provider

kivy on replit: Unable to find any valuable window provider Question: This is my code: ` import kivy from import App from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput class RegScreen(GridLayout): def __init__(self, **var_args): self.cols = 2 self.add_widget(Label(text=’First name’)) self.firstname = TextInput(multiline=True) self.add_widget(self.firstname) self.add_widget(Label(text=’password’)) self.password = TextInput(password=True, multiline=False) self.add_widget(Label(text=’Confirm password’)) …

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python servers send specific info from post requests

python servers send specific info from post requests Question: I create a simple server in and I’m able get people post information from client but not able to send specific data to client from my server. I also have a domain name, and this only works for IPV6. website code( server import socket import …

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Nothing is coming up on my console on replit

Nothing is coming up on my console on replit Question: enter image description here this shows a visual image of the code Asked By: kim || Source Answers: This is not a syntax error. Simply, your problem is that you never actually called the start() function after defining it. After you def start(): , try …

Total answers: 2