
Does PyPy translate itself?

Does PyPy translate itself? Question: Am I getting this straight? Does the PyPy interpreter actually interpret itself and then translate itself? So here’s my current understanding: RPython’s toolchain involves partially executing the program to be translated to get a sort of preprocessed version to annotate and translate. The PyPy interpreter, running on top of CPython, …

Total answers: 2

Can PyPy/RPython be used to produce a small standalone executable?

Can PyPy/RPython be used to produce a small standalone executable? Question: (Or, “Can PyPy/RPython be used to compile/translate Python to C/C++ without requiring the Python runtime?”) I have tried to comprehend PyPy with its RPython and its Python, its running and its compiling and its translating, and have somewhat failed. I have a hypothetical Python …

Total answers: 1