
How to show scientific notation in a relplot

How to show scientific notation in a relplot Question: I have a seaborn relplot. I want to show scientific notation. Presently the image takes large space on x and y ticks. I want to minimize it by converting the axis to scientific notation. My code: sns.relplot(x=’Vmpp’,y=’cVmpp’,data=cdf) My solution and present output: #I tried a solution …

Total answers: 2

Print in scientific format with powers of ten being only multiples of 3

Print in scientific format with powers of ten being only multiples of 3 Question: I haven’t found a way to only get exponents which are multiples of 3, when displaying numbers in the scientific format. Neither did I succeed writing a simple custom formatting function. Here is a quick example: Normal behaviour using scientific notation …

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Custom ticks label in scientific notation while using log scale

Custom ticks label in scientific notation while using log scale Question: I’m having trouble with matplotlib (version 3.1.3) : I would like to add custom ticks and tick labels on a log scale axis while preserving scientific notation. To say it otherwise: I want to add custom ticks on a log scale axis and label …

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using scientific notation kdeplot

using scientific notation kdeplot Question: I’m trying to create a kde plot using seaborn in python but when setting the colorbar values to show in scientific notation I see no difference. See – making colorbar with scientific notation in seaborn for a heavily related topic. See – for the documentation of seaborn’s kde class. …

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scientific notation with superscript exponent

scientific notation with superscript exponent Question: I’m attempting to format numbers in scientific notation with exponents of base 10, e.g. write 0.00123 as 1.23×10–3, using python 3. I found this great function which prints 1.23×10^-3, but how can the caret-exponent be replaced with a superscript? def sci_notation(number, sig_fig=2): ret_string = “{0:.{1:d}e}”.format(number, sig_fig) a,b = ret_string.split(“e”) …

Total answers: 3

Reading Exponents of Scientific Notation

Reading Exponents of Scientific Notation Question: I’m trying to generate some summary data on a set, so I don’t care about the numbers themselves I only care about the exponents- the goal is to find the total number of 7-digit numbers (ex. phone numbers). The way I’m handling this currently is pretty simplistic I have …

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Scientific notation colorbar in matplotlib

Scientific notation colorbar in matplotlib Question: I am trying to put a colorbar to my image using matplotlib. The issue comes when I try to force the ticklabels to be written in scientific notation. How can I force the scientific notation (ie, 1×10^0, 2×10^0, …, 1×10^2, and so on) in the ticks of the color …

Total answers: 4

Format / Suppress Scientific Notation from Pandas Aggregation Results

Format / Suppress Scientific Notation from Pandas Aggregation Results Question: How can one modify the format for the output from a groupby operation in pandas that produces scientific notation for very large numbers? I know how to do string formatting in python but I’m at a loss when it comes to applying it here. df1.groupby(‘dept’)[‘data1’].sum() …

Total answers: 9

Disable scientific notation in python json.dumps output

Disable scientific notation in python json.dumps output Question: json.dumps outputs small float or decimal values using scientific notation, which is unacceptable to the json-rpc application this output is sent to. >>> import json >>> json.dumps({“x”: 0.0000001}) ‘{“x”: 1e-07}’ I want this output instead: ‘{“x”: 0.0000001}’ It would be ideal to avoid introducing additional dependencies. Asked …

Total answers: 5