
Get value of clipboard from a Selenium Grid via Python

Get value of clipboard from a Selenium Grid via Python Question: I’m using Selenium for Python to connect to my Grid and command a browser. No, I’m trying to get the data of the clipboard of my Browser of the grid and copy them into my Python code. I’ve tried to use from tkinter import …

Total answers: 1

Python Unzip String of data

How do I unzip base 64 encoded data inside JSON using Python? Question: I’m using Selenium Grid and I need to download files for the automated tests download. I’m running into an issue where the response is not the file contents itself. Instead, the contents are zipped first and then wrapped within JSON. Here’s the …

Total answers: 1

ChromeDriver ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR despite –ignore-certificate-errors

ChromeDriver ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR despite –ignore-certificate-errors Question: I’m trying to run integration tests on a local host (with no HTTPS) using selenium with ChromeDriver. Chrome requires an https certificate, but from this question i understand that i can circumvent this using the arg –ignore-certificate-errors I have also added to my capabilities acceptInsecureCerts, as this seems like the …

Total answers: 5