
python 3.9 – unable to get correct sha1 hash for multiple files in loop

python 3.9 – unable to get correct sha1 hash for multiple files in loop Question: By referring the code, given in solution in below link, not getting the correct SHA1 hash for 2nd onwards files in loop. Why saying incorrect because Using the code given below: – CORRECT -> When trying to generate the SHA1 …

Total answers: 1

Generating one MD5/SHA1 checksum of multiple files in Python

Generating one MD5/SHA1 checksum of multiple files in Python Question: I have looked through several topics about calculating checksums of files in Python but none of them answered the question about one sum from multiple files. I have several files in sub directories and would like to determine if there was any change in one …

Total answers: 3

Implementation HMAC-SHA1 in python

Implementation HMAC-SHA1 in python Question: I am trying to use the OAuth of a website, which requires the signature method to be ‘HMAC-SHA1’ only. I am wondering how to implement this in Python? Asked By: xiaohan2012 || Source Answers: There are multiple python libraries available at the oauth website, but if you’re just interested in …

Total answers: 8

Extract the SHA1 hash from a torrent file

Extract the SHA1 hash from a torrent file Question: I’ve had a look around for the answer to this, but I only seem to be able to find software that does it for you. Does anybody know how to go about doing this in python? Asked By: user271528 || Source Answers: I wrote a piece …

Total answers: 4

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python? Question: I’ve got a string, a signature, and a public key, and I want to verify the signature on the string. The key looks like this: —–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDfG4IuFO2h/LdDNmonwGNw5srW nUEWzoBrPRF1NM8LqpOMD45FAPtZ1NmPtHGo0BAS1UsyJEGXx0NPJ8Gw1z+huLrl XnAVX5B4ec6cJfKKmpL/l94WhP2v8F3OGWrnaEX1mLMoxe124Pcfamt0SPCGkeal VvXw13PLINE/YptjkQIDAQAB —–END PUBLIC KEY—– I’ve been reading the pycrypto docs for a while, …

Total answers: 8