
How do I use 1D gradients to compute a 2D Sobel in OpenCV with a different vector norm?

How do I use 1D gradients to compute a 2D Sobel in OpenCV with a different vector norm? Question: OpenCV uses an implementation of a Sobel operator defined here (details here). In this implementation, the horizontal derivative is generated, then the vertical derivative is generated, then the gradient is computed as the L2 norm of …

Total answers: 3

Sobel and Laplace results appear in grayscale

Sobel and Laplace results appear in grayscale Question: I have been trying to follow the tutorial on image gradients found on this link The results for Laplacian, Sobel x, and Sobel y appear in black and white according to the tutorial. But my results appear in gray. I cannot seem to find the reason …

Total answers: 2