
Statsmodels Clustered Logit Model With Robust Standard Errors

Statsmodels Clustered Logit Model With Robust Standard Errors Question: I have the following dataframe: df.head() id case volfluid map rr o2 fluid 1044 36 3 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1045 37 3 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1046 38 3 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1047 36 4 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1048 …

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Python default and multi level logging

Python default and multi level logging Question: From what I read and understood, Python logging module by default logs to stderr. If I run this python code: import logging‘test’) logging.warning(‘test’) logging.error(‘test’) logging.debug(‘test’) as python 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt I get my logs in stderr.txt and nothing in stdout.txt – my logs are redirected …

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Python read from subprocess stdout and stderr separately while preserving order

Python read from subprocess stdout and stderr separately while preserving order Question: I have a python subprocess that I’m trying to read output and error streams from. Currently I have it working, but I’m only able to read from stderr after I’ve finished reading from stdout. Here’s what it looks like: process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, …

Total answers: 7

"subprocess.Popen" – checking for success and errors

"subprocess.Popen" – checking for success and errors Question: I want to check if a subprocess has finished execution successfully or failed. Currently I have come up with a solution but I am not sure if it is correct and reliable. Is it guaranteed that every process outputs its errors only to stderr respectfully to stdout: …

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Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

Python: How to get stdout after running os.system? Question: I want to get the stdout in a variable after running the os.system call. Lets take this line as an example: batcmd=”dir” result = os.system(batcmd) result will contain the error code (stderr 0 under Windows or 1 under some linux for the above example). How can …

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Redirect subprocess stderr to stdout

Redirect subprocess stderr to stdout Question: I want to redirect the stderr output of a subprocess to stdout. The constant STDOUT should do that, shouldn’t it? However, $ python >/dev/null -c ‘import subprocess;[“ls”, “/404”],stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)’ does output something. Why is that the case, and how do I get the error message on stdout? Asked By: …

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multiprocessing: How can I ʀᴇʟɪᴀʙʟʏ redirect stdout from a child process?

multiprocessing: How can I ʀᴇʟɪᴀʙʟʏ redirect stdout from a child process? Question: NB. I have seen Log output of multiprocessing.Process – unfortunately, it doesn’t answer this question. I am creating a child process (on windows) via multiprocessing. I want all of the child process’s stdout and stderr output to be redirected to a log file, …

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Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr

Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr Question: Is it possible to temporarily redirect stdout/stderr in Python (i.e. for the duration of a method)? Edit: The problem with the current solutions (which I at first remembered but then forgot) is that they don’t redirect; rather, they just replace the streams in their entirety. Hence, if a method has a …

Total answers: 9

Run ffmpeg without outputting configuration information?

Run ffmpeg without outputting configuration information? Question: I’m invoking ffmpeg with subprocess.Popen, and trying to capture the stderr output and write it to logging. args = [‘ffmpeg’, ‘-i’, path] if start: args += [‘-ss’, start] if end: args += [‘-t’, end] args += [ ‘-vcodec’, ‘copy’, ‘-acodec’, ‘copy’, ‘-scodec’, ‘copy’, ‘-f’, ‘mpegts’, ‘-y’, ‘/dev/stdout’] self.child …

Total answers: 4