
How to resolve this error in Streamlit app

How to resolve this error in Streamlit app Question: I am coding in Python to be run on streamlit, when I use IF argument, it give me error. import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.write("Welcome to my Sample Suvery App!") age = st.text_input("What is your age?", "Please enter your age here correctly",) if …

Total answers: 1

How to adjust dataframe column names in streamlit

How to adjust dataframe column names in streamlit Question: I am trying to display only selected columns from the pandas dataframe. logic is working but columns come with extra characters added to them. Selected columns come inside Parentheses, quotes and coma. I got stuck on finding from where does it come and how to get …

Total answers: 1

Values disappear after using button in streamlit

Values disappear after using button in streamlit Question: I am trying to write an application to play Wheel of Fortune. Once I draw a password and want to e.g. draw points the password disappears. I know that this is caused by refreshing the application after pressing another button, but I do not know how to …

Total answers: 1

How to hide a column of a Styler DataFrame in Streamlit

How to hide a column of a Styler DataFrame in Streamlit Question: I would like to delete a column or hide it after using it into a to display it into a Streamlit app. Unfortunaly, each solution I tried doesn’t work as I want. My code use the ‘anomaly’ column to highlight the row …

Total answers: 2

I would like to change from the vertical input to column input using streamlit also, columns have to be dynamic

I would like to change from the vertical input to column input using streamlit also, columns have to be dynamic Question: import numpy as np import streamlit as st st.header(‘Input Data’) p = np.array([[4,3,6,2],[1,4,3,5],[2,5,2,3],[5,2,4,1],[3,6,1,4]]) st.dataframe(p) t = [] tb = len(p) st.subheader(‘Enter the T value into row for multiplication’) for i in range(tb): value = …

Total answers: 1

Streamlit Folium drawing map as if all values are null

Streamlit Folium drawing map as if all values are null Question: I am attempting to embed a Folium choropleth into a Streamlit webapp. When doing so, it is drawing the map with all countries as null for their value. This contains two select boxes that are for filtering indicators and year/year span. I have attempted …

Total answers: 1