
How to pass an escape slash to

How to pass an escape slash to Question: Trying to run command this from a Python script: gh api "/search/code?q=somecode" –jq ".items[] | { "file": .path, "repo": .repository["full_name"] } " by way of: output = [ ‘gh’, f’api "/search/code?q={CODE}"’, ‘–jq ".items[] | {{ "file": .path, "repo": .repository[{}] }} "’.format(‘\"full_name\"’) ]) to no avail. …

Total answers: 1

python: SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

python: SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal Question: I have the above-mentioned error in s1=”some very long string…………” Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Asked By: Alex Gordon || Source Answers: You are not putting a ” before the end of the line. Use “”” if you want to do this: “”” a …

Total answers: 17

Windows path in Python

How should I write a Windows path in a Python string literal? Question: Suppose I need to refer to the path C:meshesas. If I try writing that directly, like "C:meshesas", I encounter problems – either some exception, or the path just doesn’t work. Is this because is acting as an escape character? How should I …

Total answers: 5