
Find index of longest consectuive timespan in pandas time series

Find index of longest consectuive timespan in pandas time series Question: I have a time series with gaps (NaN) and I want to find the start and stop index of the longest consecutive sequence where no Nan occurs. I have no clue how to do that. values = [5468.0, 5946.0, np.nan, 6019.0, 5797.0, 5879.0, np.nan, …

Total answers: 1

finding all possible subsequences in a given string

finding all possible subsequences in a given string Question: I have written this piece of code and it prints all substrings of a given string but I want it to print all the possible subsequences. from itertools import combinations_with_replacement s = ‘MISSISSIPPI’ lst = [] for i,j in combinations_with_replacement(range(len(s)), 2): print(s[i:(j+1)]) Asked By: challenger || …

Total answers: 3

How many sub-sequences of unique elements can be possible?

How many sub-sequences of unique elements can be possible? Question: I’v a sequence of integer number [A1, A2, A3…..AN] I’m trying to count all sub-sequences which contain at most K unique numbers. For Example: Given sequence:: [2, 3, 3, 7, 5] and K = 3 All sub-sequences are: [], [2],[3],[3],[7],[5], [2, 3],[2, 3],[2, 7],[2, 5],[3, …

Total answers: 2