
Substituting found regex based on rank

Substituting found regex based on rank Question: In python how could we replace all matched cases of a pattern say ‘(AB)(.*?)(CD)’ in text based on rank? for example reach from bla bla blab ABftrCD bla bla ABgtCD bla blab ABnyhCD to bla bla blab ABftrCDn1 bla bla ABgtCDnn2 bla blab ABnyhCDnnn3 Asked By: moshtaba || …

Total answers: 2

How to get values from dictionary in jinja when key is a variable?

How to get values from dictionary in jinja when key is a variable? Question: I’m trying to retrieve entries from a python dictionary in jinja2, but the problem is I don’t know what key I want to access ahead of time – the key is stored in a variable called s.course. So my problem is …

Total answers: 3

Remove all newlines from inside a string

Remove all newlines from inside a string Question: I’m trying to remove all newline characters from a string. I’ve read up on how to do it, but it seems that I for some reason am unable to do so. Here is step by step what I am doing: string1 = “Hello n World” string2 = …

Total answers: 8

Substitutions inside Sphinx code blocks aren't replaced

Substitutions inside Sphinx code blocks aren't replaced Question: In this reST example meant to be rendered by Sphinx, |yaco_url| doesn’t get replaced because it’s in a code-block: .. |yaco_url| replace:: You can use wget to download it: .. code-block:: console $ wget |yaco_url|package.tar.gz I wonder if there is some way to force the replacement …

Total answers: 2

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python Question: I have this string: mystring = ‘Here is some text I wrote ‘ How can I substitute the double, triple (…) whitespace chracters with a single space, so that I get: mystring = ‘Here is some text I wrote’ Asked By: creativz || Source Answers: A …

Total answers: 3